automated air drying, help with max low - max high RH settings?


Active Member
hey gang,
- so my set up as follows 25/30l drum with metal clamp that holds an air tight seal. bottom is 4 side holes drilled which takes 4-6mm rubber top hat gourmets plumbed to a 800l/h air pump hooked up to an inkbird moisture controller and a vent hole plumbed in the lid.

- aluminium fly screen folded up into a square tray and cable tied into place stacked on top of each other

my problem is i've been drying for the past 5 days with my min set to 57 RH ( air pump turns off) and my max set to about 63-65 RH ( after min is reached air pump will wait for this RH figure until it turns back on), changed my max down to 60 RH a day or 2 ago.
today i opened up and checked out for the 1st time since i put buds in and all of the great smell is gone and i may have a very light cut grass smell.

Q1 - i assume its too dry too fast so should i set my min to 61 RH and what is the max RH before mould would take place for drying?

my stems aint snap dry so still have more time to dry

Q2 - what min max setting should i use if i was using my drying set up to cure, eg just to burb so they dont mould or what ever setting is best for curing?

thanks alot guys :)
its autumn, nearing winter in my part of the world so room temps are about 12c - 20c (53.6f - 68f)

no pictures
Actually not close enough trim. Jars of fresh imported tea smell on my hash cure. 6 months manual old school cure and almost too tasty to make hash. Still smells like tea at 44% humidity across 7 phenos of 4 strains. Go figure.

what nonsense are you rambling on about now?