Well-Known Member
Yea, there's a few...What is the system referenced for around 2,400$?
If not going the DIY route, what systems exist on the market for automating?
I only know one I have found: the Intellidose from Autogrow.
IntelliDose Kit
Automatically manage your nutrient and pH levels, set remote alarms and data log your progress with one simple controller. The IntelliDose sets the industry standard for a small commercial auto-dosing. Dose up to a 9 part blend (nutrients, additives, pH adjuster) while maintaining your preset
Are there any more on the market?
How about any for large scale industrial use?
Agrowtek makes a few different models
Hanna makes a couple fertigation machines
But if you have a large scale/industrial outfit, why wouldn't you go with a intellidose?