avg return per oz?

i pulled 26.4 % off my last run and 22% or 21.95 on the run before that. posted them in the hash oil picture thread and they are actually available in the springs area. one was 2 ounces i used 2 cans and with my qp tube i used 3 cans and they are shatter and cleaner on your nail then anything in any shop

beautiful.. man... great yields.. ya twitch to be honest bro.. I love your work... keep it up..

im saying 18-20% after winterizing is my highest yield.. before it I don't usually even weigh it unless the batch don't need winterizing..

I winterize some.. and don't with others.. it depends.. I like wax.. I like shatter.. and I like taffy.. some sap is good.. but most isn't for me..

but ya.. people can proly get up to 30%.. but u need to find the genetics.. and then DIAL THEM IN.. to get those kind of results.. I mean shit.. not many people even pull over 15% ..
Ive been running personal through a turkey baster, 2 grams at a time with california orange seems to make me a stoned monkey for a couple days. Im looking forward to building a larger apparatus so i can run a pound of trim at a time. Anyone else running quantity like that have any pointers? Thanks

2 grams at a time? what did u do cut it ? make it a tiny tube? my shit filled can do 20 grams.. lol.. iuno I don't see the point in doing anything less then an oz.. unless ur testing to see what strain u wana run bho..

I mean I have an AK47 ive kept for 7 years now.. but the nug is so amazing.. I don't bother blowing it into bho.. that's the issue lol.. unless I upgrade to a huge room.. then bho. is more personal use type of thing.
We typically experience a 6-10% Yield for trim. Based on its age, quality and size. (Larger chunks, fresh cuts and high quality increase yield.)

For flowers we see 9-21% yield. This is based on quality and handling time.

I would say (in most cases) anything over low-mid 20's is full of Lipids and will go down in weight with a winterization.
I would say (in most cases) anything over low-mid 20's is full of Lipids and will go down in weight with a winterization.

i would say i am the few that isn't weighted down with excessive wax lipids and fats, due to the low temps that i blast at, also they low temps make it so i can run stuff from trim machines that turns out green for most people... not me.

And if anyone in the area would like to try some check out FB/TwitchExtracts
I am not in the area but I can verify from first hand experience that Twitch deff knows where it's at. High quality, great purge and wonderful flavor. If you're in the area, go get some or you'll just be left wondering all your life, what if... Lol
I would agree Twitch that most the contributors are producing solid yields with lipids so low winterization is not worth it. I didn't think your claiming high 20's yields though; are you?
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It would be interesting to see what that 26 boils down to. I don't doubt you my friend; its just these numbers are rarely heard of. Playing devils advocate 15% hash was unheard of 15 years ago.
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lol ya its genetics man.. u gotta find the correct strains.. that are grown perfectly.. honestly.. and ya low temps allows for a better product .. I love my shit that comes from chilled tane and frozen tubes.. vs room temp.. that usually yields out waxy substances.. and is harsh on the lungs..

but ya I found 2 strains that yield over 20% when grown properly.. these are the strains im mothering out.. and doing an entire room of them each.. I get moved into my new place September 23rd.. im so pumped.. got an extra room now.. so ill be actually making seeds in a 8 x 10 x 7 room with 2400w of lights.. and the GG4 is going to get reversed and used to seed out everything eventually..

now I need to get my hands on GSC Forum Cut.. and a few other cuts.. and iill be a happy camper. I just wana see the GSC compared to GG4 side by side.. lol..
It is definately genetics and grower skill. The romulan wax imade (pic in pic thread) for a friend yielded 17.3% from popcorn buds and smalls. Been begging him to bring over some of the best buds so i can see that yield.