Keep drinkin it.
Enjoy selling grams illegally at the Flea Markets. Maybe I'll give you a job sweeping a harvest room next year.
There is that lovely ego, once again.
My self descriptive argument proven.
Illegally.... again, thin air.
I will find your quote of advising people to sell their product to patients that are not registered as their own, talk about illegal.
Lucius you have officially convinced my you are either bi-polar or have smoked entirely too much AZ trash weed to remember what you previously posted.
I made a successful living outside cannabis, I dont need the proceeds from selling grams thanks.
I imagine managing a cultivation site at 45 yrs old (just a guess) is the only thread of hope you have left to continue your pathetic/hopeless path to success....
By the way, I pay for legal advice, thanks.
Oh yeah and I bring that advice here to help people.
Not throw out drool, that potentially could get people arrested.
There is only one legit way to accept donations. Do you dare attempt to give an answer?
I expect not...
You didnt answer my cost of growing 300-400 plants either.
It was your idea, I assume you know the cost...