Hey you are bringing down the good name of DOPE!

She's afraid of pot. She thinks it gave her son schizophrenia thereby causing him to sexually attack women and wind up in a state mental hospital as a deranged sex offender.
Who she never visits... EVER
But she has no problem cashing is her exiled son's SS checks that he should not be entitle to:
There was an investigation, in fact, by the Social Security Administration’s Office of Inspector General as to whether Jan Brewer, as Ronald’s guardian, had received overpayments of Social Security to the tune of $75,000.00. In 1995, the law was changed to mandate that people institutionalized after being found not guilty of a crime due to insanity not receive the benefits. It is unclear if the Brewer’s continued to receive benefits or not because while many record requests were made in regard to this matter, they were not filled. The state paid $50,000 for a lawyer to respond to subpoenae and records requests.
Not to mention she was the guest of honor at the criminally insane hospital, were her son is held, for the recently built new wing. Needless to say she did not show up one of her cronies did...
She does not visit her own blood and probably does not realize the crazy gene is hereditary.
Hmmm maybe I will go say whats up to Ronald sometime...
Power Abuse:
Just days before Jan Brewer was sworn in as the state's governor in 2009, Ronald's criminal records were sealed. His case is one of only four cases that were sealed in Maricopa County in 2009, out of 40,000 total criminal cases.
Talk about grounds for impeachment, why has the president not stepped up? Because his administration said, "Arizona should drop dead." (Nice display of authority IMO)
Fuck this Bitch and the AZ people who vote for shit like this are complete fools who do not care about having citizens rights.
Some authoritative power needs to end this tyrannical reign, is that not the Job of the FED?
Oh wait they are too busy busting MMJ dispensaries to realize blatant government corruption.
As concerned citizens we should start a corruption whistle blowers group, they have one in China that gets shit done and outs idiots like Brewer.