AZ Gov Jan Brewer Filing Lawsuit to Stop Mmj

Completely agree. The longer they spin their wheels with the dispensary situation the longer we have to cultivate. the state basically has to continue to issue patient cards or risk the backup rules taking it out of their hands completely.

I understand that this current hiccup JB plans on creating will allow home growers more of what they want, time to grow without restrictions, but you have to look at the bigger picture, which is the many patients who won't be growing their own and may not be savvy enough to find other resources. Not to mention that she is intentionally exploiting that loophole fore her own agenda, instead of supporting what the voters enacted. Her actions are wrong on so many levels. I'm amazed at how many people take this politician at her word instead of her actions.
WOW. I'm still shocked that when Janet Napaletano(sp) left for the Obama administration we got stuck with her secretary Jan Brewer. Not only did she pass a dispicable, immoral, and controversial immigration law but now shes trying to setback the progess us phoenicians have made toward legal MMJ. How did she get re-elected? She honestley makes me sick to my stomach. Her and Arpaio need to get out soon,
You are spreading something that you feel is alluded not factual information. Her letter is worded in a diplomatic way to protect state employees and legal businessmen. She may have an agenda but you can't say that you know for a fact that is her intent. Also, this puts dispensaries on a hiatus until it is resolved but patients and caregivers will not be prevented from receiving cards, applying, being approved, nor will the local police be able to arrest patients/caregivers who are following the letter of the law.

The AZ MMJ Act protects patients against this.... If the AZDHS stops issueing cards and does not respond to your request... Your doctors letter of recommendation becomes your Marijuana Card....
If at any time after the one hundred forty days following the effective date of this chapter the department is not accepting applications or has not promulgated rules allowing qualifying patients to submit applications, a notarized statement by a qualifying patient containing the information required in an application pursuant to section 36-2804.02, subsection A, paragraph 3, together with a written certification issued by a physician within the ninety days immediately preceding the notarized statement, shall be deemed a valid registry identification card.


Dont Worry... But Happy Now...
I know, I'm not sure if your expounding upon my statement or read it wrong. This thread is so old I don't remember what it's about to be honest haha Also, since the begining I've had to adjust my vernacular to comply with the way the law is worded so if you find some term I used right after the final revision of the regulations I just didn't adapt quick enough.
I know, I'm not sure if your expounding upon my statement or read it wrong. This thread is so old I don't remember what it's about to be honest haha Also, since the begining I've had to adjust my vernacular to comply with the way the law is worded so if you find some term I used right after the final revision of the regulations I just didn't adapt quick enough.
4 Shore!!!!!
Hey you are bringing down the good name of DOPE! :) She's afraid of pot. She thinks it gave her son schizophrenia thereby causing him to sexually attack women and wind up in a state mental hospital as a deranged sex offender.
Jan Brewer the genius governor who sues the Feds and then asks them for help. What a dope that broad is.
Hey you are bringing down the good name of DOPE! :) She's afraid of pot. She thinks it gave her son schizophrenia thereby causing him to sexually attack women and wind up in a state mental hospital as a deranged sex offender.
Who she never visits... EVER
But she has no problem cashing is her exiled son's SS checks that he should not be entitle to:
There was an investigation, in fact, by the Social Security Administration’s Office of Inspector General as to whether Jan Brewer, as Ronald’s guardian, had received overpayments of Social Security to the tune of $75,000.00. In 1995, the law was changed to mandate that people institutionalized after being found not guilty of a crime due to insanity not receive the benefits. It is unclear if the Brewer’s continued to receive benefits or not because while many record requests were made in regard to this matter, they were not filled. The state paid $50,000 for a lawyer to respond to subpoenae and records requests.

Not to mention she was the guest of honor at the criminally insane hospital, were her son is held, for the recently built new wing. Needless to say she did not show up one of her cronies did...
She does not visit her own blood and probably does not realize the crazy gene is hereditary.
Hmmm maybe I will go say whats up to Ronald sometime...

Power Abuse:
Just days before Jan Brewer was sworn in as the state's governor in 2009, Ronald's criminal records were sealed. His case is one of only four cases that were sealed in Maricopa County in 2009, out of 40,000 total criminal cases.
Talk about grounds for impeachment, why has the president not stepped up? Because his administration said, "Arizona should drop dead." (Nice display of authority IMO)
Fuck this Bitch and the AZ people who vote for shit like this are complete fools who do not care about having citizens rights.
Some authoritative power needs to end this tyrannical reign, is that not the Job of the FED?
Oh wait they are too busy busting MMJ dispensaries to realize blatant government corruption.
As concerned citizens we should start a corruption whistle blowers group, they have one in China that gets shit done and outs idiots like Brewer.
Not a fan of Jan either but am happy with having Bill 1070 affirmed (BIG + for America) & Happy she slowed down dispensaries (BIG BIG + for Arizona). Thank God for that at least !
It's ideological. The *federal* courts have already ruled on this over and over again, *against* states' rights. Even the SCOTUS:

The "tossing out" of the Pack decision isn't all that decisive.

What will really be the sea change is the rescheduling of cannabis. That will pull the wind out of the sails of EVERYONE opposed to MMJ/Decriminalization.
What do you mean? Romney will give us our freedom back??

Nobama will free us!

Hey folks another resolution in the World... Thanks Nobama.

This will bring the US into Syria under the UN flag not through Congress nor under the US flag...

The last War declared through Congress? Surprising...

Huhh Freedom.....

I don't like either of them... Nor do I think Our nation will be safer under either of these gents...!

Nobama extended the State of Emergency this month... Why?

There is a DIRECT correlation to the shitty economy and the Wars on Terror...
Wars cost monies.! But when you play on both sides it gets even more costly!

Hey... It doesn't matter Nobama sold NASA to Russia...

People we assume are evil are merely slower in progressing towards the utopia or are stuck in the past.
However, conservatives who want to exclude those they presume to be as evil cannot be tolerated.
Wars against governments that conservatives presume are evil must not be tolerated.
Nobama will free us!

Hey folks another resolution in the World... Thanks Nobama.

This will bring the US into Syria under the UN flag not through Congress nor under the US flag...

The last War declared through Congress? Surprising...

Huhh Freedom.....

I don't like either of them... Nor do I think Our nation will be safer under either of these gents...!

Nobama extended the State of Emergency this month... Why?

There is a DIRECT correlation to the shitty economy and the Wars on Terror...
Wars cost monies.! But when you play on both sides it gets even more costly!

Hey... It doesn't matter Nobama sold NASA to Russia...

People we assume are evil are merely slower in progressing towards the utopia or are stuck in the past.
However, conservatives who want to exclude those they presume to be as evil cannot be tolerated.
Wars against governments that conservatives presume are evil must not be tolerated.

Bush started the war in Iraq that we are paying heavy dividends for.
What do you mean? Romney will give us our freedom back??

Not the meaning of the post but YES, Romney is the chance we have against this loser un american obumma. Obumma does smile nice though but remember, A shit sandwich served with a smile is still a shit sandwich . . .

Try going back & looking at the B.S. he promised in 2008 & then look at what He actually did to us.