AZ Gov Jan Brewer Filing Lawsuit to Stop Mmj

Who gives a shit about pot when our way of life is at stake ? Please educate yourself & others so you can make a better decision this time for President.
@KAL EL, That is right. Forget the Betrayer, Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe, Attorneys General, County Attorneys and the City of Los Angeles.

I believe the ASA will win. I'm literally putting money on it. This will change EVERYTHING.
@WOLF, for health AND recreational reasons...Cannabis is my way of life and I have never voted democrat.

America has been sold down the river since FDR...excepting maybe Reagan.

Bush's $2,000,0000,000,000 medicare reform act was just another nail in the coffin.
President Obama can never be black enough for the blacks or white enough for the whites. He is definitely not jewish enough. He is almost gay enough. He is not quite liberal enough.

He is not really enough of anything to anyone.

For a guy who hasn't made many folks happy, save Solyndra, he WILL get re-elected. Popular polls are meaningless. He has enough electoral college votes to win.
Replacing a pile of horse shit with a pile of bull shit isn't going to make the shit go away. Romney will make things worse most likely. If we really want change then we have to change the system... Vote for Gary Johnson.
That is the problem with our two party system, is that its very hard for him to gain any traction because of debate rules and ballot laws.

Neither the Democrats or the Republicans are interested in changing what lines their pockets so very well.

I do believe in the next 8-12 years there will be a very relevant 3rd party. It will be very socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a military isolationist slant.
In some European nations there are over 10 + parties on the ballot, I believe our 2 party system is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that they just tow the party line on every vote makes the whole system pointless and stupid at the same time.
You are pretty much describing the independent faction which settles elections in the two part system. They are the ones who elect presidents and they sway back and forth like a pendulum. Plus we are an either or culture not a this and this country if ya know what I mean.
We like dichotomies its more simple. Throw in a valid third option and the human brain has to do.some actual thinking instead of simply responding based on affiliations. I heard a recent study saying that if the number of Americans who did not vote in elections formed their own party they would be larger than both parties combined.
In some European nations there are over 10 + parties on the ballot, I believe our 2 party system is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that they just tow the party line on every vote makes the whole system pointless and stupid at the same time.

They have a different form of government known as a parliamentary system which by definition allows for many many parties. Our system is a little more archaic u could say.
Agree with you guys the two party system makes everyone vote partisan the whole way, Republicans being the worst though its like they are part of a gang and they do whatever the gang does even if its absurd.
I think u meant black. Let's call a spade a spade.

LOL ! Funny that those with little/no knowledge of my life would say I'm racist ! Great comeback if you have nothing to offer, kinda like those that REALLY use racism as a tool to divide & conquer (aka obamma).
@WOLF, for health AND recreational reasons...Cannabis is my way of life and I have never voted democrat.

America has been sold down the river since FDR...excepting maybe Reagan.

Bush's $2,000,0000,000,000 medicare reform act was just another nail in the coffin.

My way of life for over 44 years, who needs the government for pot ?
The past does not matter in politics when you have a man trying to change our way of life in office.
I must hate mexicans too ? Even if married for 10 years to one & lived with another for 4 years ? You guys are showing your youth now . . .
I'm for ALL AMERICANS, end of that story.
I have tried to be a friend to all I have met in life. To be treated as less than a friend by those in what I thought was just an open discussion among friends has gotten to me. Take care for now & hope to be back next week.