Back to square one, :/


Active Member
Well, I decided this would be best section to keep my current threads as I am not ready for grow journals being I don't understand much about growing, for those who were not up to speed on my personal last first attempt, berry ryder seedling died - first suspected overwatering/damping off, few bag seedlings died off from soil causing taproot to rot away after soil drying out. After a little bit more time and frustration, using the cheap pH meter I noticed the pro-mix perlite soil would get very high pH when letting it dry out on top layers of soil in range of 8.5-9.0. My first interpretation was the pH naturally raises from the grow and that maybe I should lower the pH of the water, leading to more wasted time and seedlings. After understanding the alkaline soil was causing my problems, I have germed a few more seedlings one of the dead taproots that rotted off was able to recover in "overwatered" soil, two others sprouted up fine, 4th pushing up, seems I may beable to finally get into veg on my technical 3rd attempt, :(.

135w UFO (veg/flower)
100w CFL (veg)
150w HPS floralux (flower)

Ionic grow/bloom/boost

Perlite/Pro-mix BX w/ Mycorise.

Single room 5,000 btu a/c

No tent at the moment, using crude box for seedlings, will purchase tent within the month, using 5,000 btu single room a/c to control temperature, need to get dolomite to stabilize pH in soil when drying. The room has great supply of fresh air, the humidity with the AC going is obviously a litte lower then desired, may put a little cup of water in box when I get dolomite to stabilize the soil pH issues.

Pics related:

Have added a hole for vent through box as well, but its just temp until purchase of small tent.



Will just bump this with my updates n lil newb journal I suppose, if anyone has anything you think will be helpful feel free to chime in; I will not be moving over 3 plants given the lighting anyway, so it will be small.
i wouldnt put more than 1 plant per pot they are pot hoggers really and will become root bound. also anyone can create a grow journal big or small
Here's some helpful information

For seedlings
place in worm water in worm place were water stays worm, cover container of water with something so there isn't no light. Check back in 24 hours to see if the seeds sank to bottom, if so your ready for step two, if not try another 12 hours, then check to see if the seed sank. If both times this fails, lightly score sandpaper with extremely low grain on the seed a few times on each side and repeat this process of dropping them in the worm water and wait for them to see

Step two, get a bag of vermiculite, sold at lowes a decent size bag is 5$. Perfect stuff for germinating seeds, no additives needed, there other better more expensive starting growth soils but this one works well for me. Anyway get this vermiculite and put it in a clear plastic cup that you have drilled several small holes in the rim of the botto of the cup and fill it with the vermiculite. Place this one cup in a larger cup like a solo red or blue, with holes drilled in bottom rim half an inch higher than the clear cup. Water the vermiculite just enough to dampen it not soak it. Proceed to step 3
( clear cup is used to see root progress of the seedling so you can tell when is best for transplanting, red cup is used to keep water In and controll level of drainage)

Step 3. Place your sunken seedling in the vermiculite that's been dampened, about 1 to 1 & 1/2 inches from top. Use tweezers seeds are slippery little bastards...
once seed is been seeded, cover with vermiculite and place in grow room or open window, windows do work too. If you use grow room do not put a high density bulb on it right away use one cfl low watt it doesn't need much light to pop Mostly needs wormth. Water the vermiculite only when the soil become dry on top about 1/2 inch or so, if u water to much it should leak out of the drilled holes in the solo cup if prepared correctly

And this is how you start germinating your seeds

Really don't want you killing off any more premature babies... Poor things don't you know abortion is wrong lol
i wouldnt put more than 1 plant per pot they are pot hoggers really and will become root bound.

roger, i have one side plant that went through 8.5-9.0 soil, but recovered after I started keeping it moist instead of drying out, I actually didn't expect it to survive, it was just 2 tiny "leaves" that were still in ball form with seed casing over it, laying on soil surface by time I found pH was raising due to drying out, lol she did suffer a bit, you can see it close up under normal light, slight yellow on one of the non serrated leaves, (or true leaves i think?), she looks in good condition now, I will transplant now then? These containers are pretty small about 1.5 inches deep each, not much space, I actually don't intend on using em again now that I've figured out why the taproots of the germinated seeds were rotting/receding away or appeared to recede anyway, probably just rotted off.

One on right is the one that went through the alkaline soil.



Don't have any pots atm, so will have to use bottle or something of the sort. :3
i also suggest you use a dark bottle or cup as roots like dark and not light
If your rweffering to my post yes worm water. With cannabis the heat nand light is the key, including with seeds. I promise if u try what I posted u will have a high success rate with starting seeds almost a 100%
If your rweffering to my post yes worm water. With cannabis the heat nand light is the key, including with seeds. I promise if u try what I posted u will have a high success rate with starting seeds almost a 100%

I was just jerkin your chain bro, I knew what you meant.
My germ rate is just fine - I've been doing this for a week or two. :cool:
i also suggest you use a dark bottle or cup as roots like dark and not light

Thanks, the roots were running along the bottom on both containers, don't have any dark containers at the moment, will buy some pots when I purchase tent/dolomite :). Probably were going to stop growing soon without transplant, appreciated.

All that typing and no regonition... Well damn. Your welcome

??? I didn't know what you were talking about, I didn't have problems with germinating seeds, re-read the thread...was having soil problems with pH rising during drying of soil causing high alkaline pH 8.5-9.0. The seeds went in germinated, and within few hours would rott away when soil was drying out, need 2 stabilize it with dolomite.

Thanks anyway though, appreciated.
Thanks, the roots were running along the bottom on both containers, don't have any dark containers at the moment, will buy some pots when I purchase tent/dolomite :). Probably were going to stop growing soon without transplant, appreciated.

??? I didn't know what you were talking about, I didn't have problems with germinating seeds, re-read the thread...was having soil problems with pH rising during drying of soil causing high alkaline pH 8.5-9.0. The seeds went in germinated, and within few hours would rott away when soil was drying out, need 2 stabilize it with dolomite.

Thanks anyway though, appreciated.

i bought my pot literally for 69cents at canadian tire.
i bought my pot literally for 69cents at canadian tire.

Yeah, money is not an issue I will purchase em from ebay with my other two needed items, erm I'm 26, and I've never had my license. No need for coolstory but yeah you get the pic I'm sure!

Sorry you're having problems chief. This website got me through to a great first harvest of some top shelf. I hope you can get as much out of it as I did. I grow in a coco hempy bucket with good success.

ty buddy
Do you let your soil compost at all, before planting, or do you plant directly into straight promix from the bag? Also, did you use any amendments besides the perlite and the mycorrhiza?
Do you let your soil compost at all, before planting, or do you plant directly into straight promix from the bag? Also, did you use any amendments besides the perlite and the mycorrhiza?

Was purchased from ebay in a 3rd party type transaction, so yeah they had removed it from packaging and put some in a white trash bag. It doesn't have anything else added to it, 6.0ish pH out of the box.
i bought my pot literally for 69cents at canadian tire.

I absolutely cant help it. These posts drive me crazy.

Hey GUYS I want to grow 20 lbs in my shoe-box with a couple of CFLS and I am going to put all my seeds in ONE pot cause I can't afford 69 cents! HELP ME!

Jeez, just save up 500 bucks and do it right.