Bad Day... Grow spot found

Dude lol i just got over bad poison ivy. Had it everywhere. Yes even on my dick and balls. Fucking brutal!! But it did feel great when i scratched it. lol

My boyfriend had to make an emergency stop on his way to work... he ran into the woods, took a shit, reached for a leaf and wiped.

Guess what kind of leaf he chose...

Should have left the orange flags & put a Sign on Each tree with a Flag saying 1 word on each sign. "You" "Will" "Be" "Shot" .. .if there are more than 4x flagged trees you can finish with "Dead" "&" "Buried".
no you aren't. ;)


Right. You're not doing anything about it excepting chatting about it on the internet with a bunch of strangers.

You know what though, I bet that guy marked off the path to your plant because he didn't want to steal it. Even if he did, which he totally doesn't, your plant is super hard to steal being in a pot as opposed to the ground at all.
Right. You're not doing anything about it excepting chatting about it on the internet with a bunch of strangers.

You know what though, I bet that guy marked off the path to your plant because he didn't want to steal it. Even if he did, which he totally doesn't, your plant is super hard to steal being in a pot as opposed to the ground at all.

I'm betting it's more likely he did it to scare off the person and grow them in the same spot for
i actually wanna know what happens. i just read the whole thread for the 1st time and it sounds like an awesome story.

im glad i got in before the finish so i can say my 2 cents (i love giving my 2cents!)

OP: When you go back to the grow spot...DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO THE GROW SPOT...just act like you're on a "nature walk" or something...just wander around NEAR your grow...a mile or so in each direction...slowly work towards it. this way you'll know if theres people around. once the area is clear either have your friend bring the supplies in or you go get him and the supplies and begin to move it.

this way if theres cops or the dude that spotted it staking it out you'll know ahead of time and they/he wont suspect you as being the grower if you dress the part to be just walking in nature (not urban clothes and nike's obviously).

My advice (i know everyone is against guns but work with me here) is to bring a gun if its registered to you. don't go with a throw away. thats just trouble and added on charges.

follow your states gun laws. this way if its cops it wont be enhanced charges.

if you're really moving the plants completely out of the area then dont worry about trail/tire marks.

i assume they will be going into the back of a truck? (if not good luck...remember its 7ft a mustang wont work lol) you'll need a tarp or something to cover it (cant just drive down the street with a plant in ur truckbed lmao) so tarps and steaks (so it doesnt break the branches of the plant from the weight of the tarp + wind blowing as you drive)

before leaving its good to put a sign (well im a jerk so i would) saying either something to the effect of a taunt

not something you have to do thats just for fun!

overall just be cautious and make sure ur not being followed in any way.
lol ty. i guess i picked it either because im that cocky or its the first thing that came to mind when thinking of a username (didnt have 1 picked out before i filled in my info for registration)
Well go my monster moved :) Man was that a fucking bitch!!! Took like 2 damn hours ugh

All i had was my small sedan lol so yeah it didnt fit to well :( Snapped a few branches :( So when i got to her new location a pulled her out and she was just like a twig not a tree anymore

So i taped all her branches up and time will tell how she will recover from it :) I will post pics tomorrow i dont feel like going back out there. Also tommorrow im grabbing my other 3

i really hope she pulls through :( I bet i just stressed the fuck out of her also