Screw that! Give me the meat! I'm talken bout steak you pervs!
Now that is eatin boys!
but of course!!Please set a place for me! That looks like some good eats.
ooooh, nice man! i wonder how old it is, id say 2 weeks in. keep up the great work!
Good lookin plant you got there homie! how are things?
Mornin G'.... Wife Was Off Last Night, And Somthing Up With The Sight, Prob. Server Work. Wife Is Also Working All Day So Maybe On Tonight. I Am Going To Pick That Book Up. Its Jorge's Right. I Think I Can Make Out The Last Part Of His Last Name, In The Pic. Well Im Off, Hope U Had A Good Day. I'll Try To Hit Us Tonight, B4 The Wifey Gets Home. Peace. Db.~tlb!'
Nice Shots To Brudha. She's Coming Right Along, Any Molasses Stuffs Given Yet.???
beautiful man, U still usin that CO2 method? if so, hows that wokin out for u?