Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

Cool, maybe you can do somthing like picaso cab.. that is a nice set up! btw all my lights are switchable so next grow I will have a permanent veg room with a watt mh going. if ya need I might be able to hook ya up on some lightage I got more than I need. if so we can pm
I want another 400 watt mh, but only for my Veg room. I think that one grower can never be satisfied with their light set up.

Its always bigger, or "I will just make another room"

Exactly! Truthfully, if I could, I'd put like 5000 watts or more in my place or somewhere that could house something like that. I think if I throw another 400 watt system in there, my new plants will really love that. But if I don't get one, 400 watts will still do the job.


A bit of movie trivia for you guys, you up for it? What movie is my avatar from?


It's a gangster movie, has some major stars in it.
LMFAO! No, but nice try. Dude did you see the episode of that last night? It was fucking awesome - I love that show!

Keep guessing guys. I know I got some Scorsese fans here huh?
I fucken love that part of the movie man. Joe Pesci is a fucking bad ass. I love his lines during that part of the movie.

"Hey, whadya want from me?" That shit makes me die laughing every time. So I got a buddy of mine that loves that movie also and I actually found and image of that shit online by the grace of god. I felt it was a shot in the dark of that shit being on the internet. Anyway, he's a project manager at a digital imaging place and they got printers that can make posters out of digital images. So he printed me one out the same exact size as the one in the movie. I'm bout to frame that shit as soon as I can find a blue frame like the one in the movie.

I was wondering about that painting. Like it had to be an actual painting for someone to have that online. So Henry Hill actually painted that - that was my guess after you saying that.
Henry Hill :D

yo Grn, 21 grams aint nothing to be ashamed of from a first grow! specially since it seeded up on you!

most first grows die a horrible death!

please PM me with the new grow thread :D
Yea, I'll make sure to let all you guys have the link to the new thread.

Yea man, I posted a link to the scene a couple pages back. I'm going to be looking for a frame this weekend. I'll post some pics of it, this damn thing looks just like the one in the movie.
Yea hothouse, that's all of it! :(

It only came out to a little over 21 grams. There are a lot of smaller buds down near the bottom. The bud near the top was pretty much all that was smokable. Well, I can smoke the bottom buds, but they had a lot of seeds in them. This thing really shrunk up as it dried. They are right about losing 75 percent weight when it's done drying and curing.

Hey GrnMan, I think we wound up growin the same stuff. Smelled in early veg, then stopped. Didn't stink in flowering and drying buds smell like hay.

I tossed a nug or two on top of the areogarden to speed dry. Still tastes fine and was smooth.
HEH, I know right. I think the hay smell had something to do with the way it dried and having a little extra leaves on it. I got it still curing and it hasn't really gone away - oh well!

So I'm probably going to go ahead and start buying some stuff for the grow tomorrow. I was thinking about getting some bigger pots, but I might just stay with the 3.5 gallon pots - maybe some 4 gallon ones? I'll need to swing buy the hydro store and pick up some more FF Ocean Forrest, maybe a set of T5's as well. I'm still not sure if I want to go that route for my seedlings or not.

I might just use the MH instead of spending a boat load of money on new lights. I read in my bible that you can use HID for seedlings as long as the light isn't too close - that shouldn't be an issue. My work shorted me outa a few hundred dollars on my paycheck! It's suppose to be here sometime Saturday, so I hope it gets here before the shop closes.

Any of you guys seen Incredible Hulk yet? If not, I highly recommend it! It was one of the best action movies I've seen all year, hands down.

man, use the MH for veg, you wont regret it!

you are on course with having it far from the sproutlings... if they start to leg up, move the light closer.
man, use the MH for veg, you wont regret it!

you are on course with having it far from the sproutlings... if they start to leg up, move the light closer.

Fucken A bro. I had a feeling that would be a lot better then CFL's or tubes. So when we headen to DB's? I say we all make a road trip down there fo show! I know he won't care - hell I'd like to see mini DB!
