Bagseed? Who cares? My first grow.


New Member
GOOD GOOD nice fuckin plant man!! i really dont no what kind of strain i have i wish it was haze but i realy dought back! my plant is like 4 times bigger than my first pik they grow everyday its crazy!!! oh yeah and im already addicted is my newborn babyy lol!! but yeah my camra broke arguing with my girl but i should have a nother one very soon but like i said good grow man keep up the good work!! ill be here till the end!!


New Member
oh yeah and thats the same question that i asked like a week ago!! juste utube it they would show u the video on how and when to do it u have to have like 4 leafs down from a branch or something like that but yeah good luck!!!
So...I'm not too happy about this but there were 2 yellow tips on one of my plants today. I didnt wanna look at em so I cut em off lol.

I suppose the yellow tips would be due to me adding nutrients for the first time the other day. Either that or the pH of the soil has gotten out of range for nutrient absorbtion, but I doubt this. The timing is too perfect for it to be anything other than over fert.

We shall see.

The leaves are also drooping a little today. Not sure why. They arent drooping any more than they have before though so no worries.

so ive got some new pics to share.

i think this is day 3 or 4 into 12/12. these suckers are growing like CRAZY.

I think one is male. theres a little ball thingy growing by a node near the top. we shall see.

I flushed the plants with half a gallon of water each beacuse of the yellow tips and the added another 3 cups of water with a very little amount of flowering nutrients. i barely added any.

One plant is shorter and bushier (male?) and the other is taller and wider (undetermined).

They are both awesome though. If one is a male and the others female I'm gonna let em fuck. lol.




I was adjusting my lights today and the power strip I have mounted on my wall came loose and fell on top of one of my plants.

The damage: one bracnh got torn completely off. It was a secondary branch coming from the second original node. Two branches got pinched and now kinda just hang down but the top parts of the branches are still in tact.

What will happen???
Anyone have any comments??


Well-Known Member
the chances of them plants even being female is so small.. unless you pickd out seeds.

I would say see if you got a female before you start worrying about whats gona happen to your plant... have you allready switchd to 12/12...

i am currently growing bagseed.. out of 32 seeds 2 were female .... :D


I would recommend removing the broken stuff of your plant, no point anymore...

start a new set of nodes :D
so..i removed one broken branch. nothing big. it was secong growth.

the other two hurt branches are okay i think. one has just a little cut and the other I have propped up for support until it heals.

heres some pics from today. it startin to smell like weed in my closet. no worries. Lovin it. my house smells like a weed forest. ha.

also...there are some places on a few leaves where there are little lighter places. they arent spots but i dont know how to describe it. its not too serious so im not worried.


so...i decided to give one of my plants to a friend as a birthday present, which means all lights are now focused on one plant. the plant I kept is the taller skinnier of the two.

the plant now has 2 42W CFL's, and 6 26W CFL's. One reflector is being used with 2 of the 26 watters.

I positioned the lights so that the whole plant, not just the top, is getting direct light.

this plant is gonna get big. I can feel it.
waitin on the update. on the edge of my seat believ eit or not.

threw out my seeds and got some new ones non fuckin germinated i think they were like dead ? : (
waitin on the update. on the edge of my seat believ eit or not.

threw out my seeds and got some new ones non fuckin germinated i think they were like dead ? : (
plants are about a foot and a half tall now the first week into flowering. my friend never came and got the plant but that one turned out male. luckily, the other turned out to be female!!! :) yay!

I will be removing the male in the next 2 days or so. once i do I will have 8 26W CFL's with round reflectors and 2 42W CFL's. I think that will be plenty of light for flowering.
also...i have notcied about 3 different problems with my plant but none of them have gotten any worse than when i first soptted them. there are a few yellow tips...a few tiny brown spots...and a couple little holes in leaves. but nothing has changes in 3 days so I'm not changing anything.

and i will not be adding any nutes for the grow. it just ended up burning them the first time i gave it so i'm gonna just go with water and light.
New pics one week into flowering. One male and one female.

These things are growing like crazy.


There are already 4 pistils on the 2nd node from the top and more showing up at the nodes daily.

Flowering should go smoothly. Hopefully I get some bud!

