especially when your sleeping in the tent, right?pot has no affect on my dreams, other than i have nightmares that someone stole my pot.
Dang, that's almost a nocturnal 'groundhog day" scenario....actually they usually follow the same format every time. me and people i care about are locked up, everyone is counting on me to get us out, and whatever i try i just cant get us freed. i wake up hollering and cussing...its scared a girl or two off.
I'm the same way, except for the teeth part...I had read that THC is a dream inhibitor for most people; myself included.
I use weed as my sleep medication and I very rarely remember any of my dreams, if I have any at all. The few dreams I have that I do remember are usually about my teeth falling out. Weird!
I figured one of your nightmares would be that you only got 6' trees!pot has no affect on my dreams, other than i have nightmares that someone stole my pot.
I had that dream once!! I woke up sitting on the can squeezing the Charmin.lmao yea i do it all d feels like ur sleepin on a cloud
i get no more than 4 hours of sleep a night...its a real drag. i think pot gives me insomnia