Bake n Wake


New Member
actually they usually follow the same format every time. me and people i care about are locked up, everyone is counting on me to get us out, and whatever i try i just cant get us freed. i wake up hollering and cussing...its scared a girl or two off.
Dang, that's almost a nocturnal 'groundhog day" scenario.... :lol:

I had read that THC is a dream inhibitor for most people; myself included.
I use weed as my sleep medication and I very rarely remember any of my dreams, if I have any at all. The few dreams I have that I do remember are usually about my teeth falling out. Weird! :lol:
I'm the same way, except for the teeth part... :lol:


Well-Known Member
I literally can not sleep without weed. I could lay in bed all night long staring at the roof. That's why I smoke a bowl every night right before I lay down.


Well-Known Member
Its been probably a year since I havent toked before bed, even if i take the whole day off from smoking. I need atleast a hit to settle me down for bed. I rarely ever remember my dreams, I had one the other night though that I was in the mountains smoking a cigar (which i hate).


Pot to me makes my dreams so much better. And I always remember them too :mrgreen: Things with different planets, wars, major trips, its amazing. And they all usually have weed in them somewhere


New Member
Well, when you guys and gals wake up and remember a terrific or weird dream, get up out of bed (after that bong hit of course) and POST it! :wink:


when I'm really blitzed, I have the BEST and often enough most realistic dreams in the world. I smoke up every night before I go to sleep because I have insomnia too, I've tried all the sleeping stuff, doesn't really work for me...pot lets me sleep like a baby though :P


New Member
Same as my wife.... she was the one that got me in the habit of toking in bed. I can drift off anytime, anywhere in a matter of just a few minutes, but she can't sleep well without it, so I naturally joined in :mrgreen:


New Member
i get no more than 4 hours of sleep a night...its a real drag. i think pot gives me insomnia

I had a History Professor who swore by 4 hours of sleep a night. I told her I also only sleep 4 hours a night, but for a very different reason....:wink:

I had some vivid dreams last night, but now they have left me...:lol: I'm going to try and post some as soon as I get up. It's just hard to do unless I leave the comp on.


Well-Known Member
Nice pic! Kids are great. Reminds me of a time my nephew was over. They played hard all day and by dinner time he was worn out. He kept nodding off at first but then went face first into a plate of spaghetti. It was hilarious!!