Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
you think maybe ill get busted? i only bought 5 feminized.
I don't know if your implying that you sent your seeds to where you are growing, but if you did, thats always a bad idea. Never ship anything for your grow room to your grow room! It wont always garuntee that you'll get the dea knocking at your door, but your chances are certainly increased.
my germination method is: i put my seeds in a sterile medicine bottle full of safe water for about twelve hours, then if they do not show tails then i place them on a damp paper towel, then cover them with acouple of plates so its dark, then i wait till the tails show, off to the dirt they go, but after all that would i need to water them or should i wait a day or two, i dont want drown them? plus, would miracle grow perlite suffice or should i get something else?
Nicely played sir, well done!
I am about to start on my first indoor grow with a 400w air cooled HPS in a 2 x 4' closet that is 4' high. I'll be doing bubbles and a screen of green also. Great pics, great info, thats for sharing all your hard earned knowledge with us.



Well-Known Member
Damn Integra, Looking awesome, How was the technaflora nutrient line treating you. I just started with my veg nutrients at about 8 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
The Nurients worked great. Had great results in dirt with them. The Kit was a little small to feed my Hydro needs and the big individual bottle were expensive, so I switched to GH Flora Seriesfor the price break. But as long as you keep your mix consistant, you'll love the results.


Well-Known Member
Ok. It has been a little since an update. My Blue Kush Clones are now 3 weeks into flowering. They are showing pistils, but this was expected since they were from a proven mother. I have added molasses to my nutrient soup and they seem to love it. The root balls have completely filled up the tub but that isnt slowing them down or affecting their health. My outdoor Piss plant is growing healthy and getting pretty late into flowering. All pistils are still white, but it is frosting up nicely. The buds are also the densest I've ever seen and the smell is fantastic. Glad it's outdoors. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Without further adu, to the bud, scrog, and root porn:



Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I didn't see what you meant by the layer, In regards to thinning out the fan leaves.

Nice shot of that root ball. Mine look very similar. Most root shots I see the roots are all white and mine look just like yours. So thats a good thing cause you did well on your last grow.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it has been going pretty well. I can't seem to get my nutrient mix quite right. I mix GH Flora series nutrients with blackstrap molasses and half of the strains could be happier. They're not terrible or dying, but random lower leaves show deficiency/overfert on my vegging mothers. ANyone know a good mix ratio for the floara series? I use a ratio of 3micro:1grow:.5bloom with 1 tablespoon of Organic molasses. I use this ratio to get to around 1000-1100ppm with a base water ppm of 330.


Well-Known Member
I originally used their reccommended mixing ratios but none of the plants liked it. So I switched to the other because I saw it in a See More Buds video and they all improved, just some not as much as others.


Well-Known Member
then do half of what they say or a quarter or 3 quarter none of us feed ur plants so we really couldnt tell you a good mixture. pay close attention to them they will tell you what they want


Well-Known Member
Well, just found some terrible shit. I have spider mites in my flower room. It isnt out of control, but still something I was hoping to never see first hand. Does anyone have any specific tricks that help get rid of them? I'm going to grab some spary tomorrow either neem or einstien oil. Sprayed the underside of the leaves with water tonight before I closed the room up. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of things you can do that require a lot of effort, but if you've caught it before it's gotten out of hand, you can usually get rid of them in just a couple of days using a Hot Shot No Pest Strip available at most box stores for ~$6.

Good luck!

Edit: Leave it around for the duration in case the little buggers left eggs around


Well-Known Member
thanks. I think I'm getting the mites under control. I have added an extra humidifier to keep the RH @ 55%. I also dropped the temps down to the 72-74F range. Then I misted plants from top to bottom with a 1:3 alcohol and water mix and am waiting to use insecticidal soap and neem oil(Einstien Oil). I know better in a few days.