Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Active Member
Now I may have missed this, and I know you dont use a air cooled hood but do you think using an ait cooled hood will change the effectiveness of the cmh bulb? all I can think of is maybe the uv rays would get effected but I don't know...


Well-Known Member
Now I may have missed this, and I know you dont use a air cooled hood but do you think using an ait cooled hood will change the effectiveness of the cmh bulb? all I can think of is maybe the uv rays would get effected but I don't know...
any glass will definately affect the UVB from the CMH bulb, why I don't use it :)


Well-Known Member
do you think glass will effect a HPS bulb????
Someone on ICMAG used a light meter to test how much light loss there was when using the glass pane in air cooled reflectors. It amounted to 3% in his tests. No clue what the degree of accuracy his light meter is though.


Active Member
Thats ok though if you consider that you would be able to get the light much closer. Surely the proximity of the light would make up for the loss caused by the glass?


Well-Known Member
Thats ok though if you consider that you would be able to get the light much closer. Surely the proximity of the light would make up for the loss caused by the glass?
not talkin light here talkin UVB, most hood glass filters it, there are options with less loss but still there is loss


Well-Known Member
yeah take the day off it's not like anyone actually reads this thread anyway, ya big maroon :)
well I posted 1st bud porn yesterday and seems no one noticed??? so I figured there is no need for an update even though things have drastically changed :)


well I posted 1st bud porn yesterday and seems no one noticed??? so I figured there is no need for an update even though things have drastically changed :)
doooooood.....come on......I have been checking RIU every 20 mins waiting for your update....holy shit is like 6 30 in the morning and someone just texted me ?????


so both my plants have is the cool thing, one I already harvested was more sative and pretty high yeilding...It didnt have a ton of seeds, I have pullded off about 30. The other is a Blueberry Kush indica....VERY fact I recently had a spider mite problem and have found none that made it past the Trichome barier but there were plenty of fan leaves, however this Plant was low yeilding...Now one or the other cross breed with the other and itself so that of those sets of seeds is a new strain>>>>YEAH>>>it should be a High yeilding frosty indica sativa blend with great defense against busgs....does this sound right??


Well-Known Member
Ok so the bitches took over the garden, they went nuts and grew and grew, I held back water till they drooped to slow down the growth :) didn't work, I candy caned (supercropped) the shit out of em, didn't work, I had one bud burn cause it got to close to the light. Could not raise the lights any more so I had to take out the drip drain rack to lower the plants, this will make watering them a bitch but hey everyone should have this problem right, I mean can't argue with 60+ bud sites on 4 plants (and that is only the canopy)

Without the rack and fans circulating CO2 I had to add a floor fan, that is raised by the screen bolts, it is a 4 inch AC fan so moves a bit more air.

Also the new light got here so I said WTF and installed it, really wanted to finish with just the one but these bitches got so big, I am happy to spread em out a bit more and have the coverage needed to do this so basically now there are 2 plants under each light. I should note for everyone that this raised my temps ALOT went up to 87, so I am very happy that fall is finally here, yesterday's high was 91 and today we expect a high of 73 (it's about time) so not seeing this as a problem as things will start to chill.

They got rained on and fed on thursday, same nute mix as last time, gonna top dress some more dolomite as a preventative today also gonna start buildin my fermentation chamber, was gonna buy one of those Hov-a-bators but decided they are to small so gonna build one based on the same concept, I will take pics and post a ditty on how I do it

Also gonna top some of the clones today, you'll see the first ones in are growin like weeds and I need the last ones in to catch up for the next go round :) still got at least 6 more weeks and gonna keep em smaller this time, no more wild jungle gardens :hump: Plus there will be 8 instead of 4.

You can see the trichs in some of the pics, considering this is only the end of week 2 of flowering, I am very impressed with the CMH bulbs UVB :hump::mrgreen::hump::mrgreen::hump:

And one last note lowering them this way is a good thing as far as the IR heater experiment is concerned cause now the canopy is where it should be in relation to the heater, was gonna be a bitch to move it :)

Enjoy the pics as always



Well-Known Member
I hear ya about the weather what a nice day today had my lowest temp yet with the light on 73 degrees and 60 % humidity love it !