Ban the term "Pot"


Active Member
I think we should ban the term "pot" and "dope" from our vocabulary when talking with anyone who's not our good friends. Now those terms are being used (overused if you ask me) too much in the political scene across the nation, especially now with prop 19 battles raging. I think as long as WE think those terms are fine our enemies will gladly oblige. I've even avoid lately the terms "weed" "reefer" "spliff" "ganga" because even though I like those terms they carry negative connotations (e.g. reefer madness) (Weeds=bad, Flowers=good) (hey maybe "flowers" will catch on someday...)
I like the terms Spliff and Ganga but they're related to jamaica mon bob marley drug music hippie free love free sex free hiv death thing mon.

I use the term cannabis exclusively as I've found that even the seemingly neutral term "marijuana" has been maligned for so long that even it's gained a negative connotation with the older crowd.
I think we should speak about it scientifically and scientists usually use "cannabis".

Just my opinion. What's the crowd in here think mon?


Well-Known Member
I have the same opinion. I dont like to use anything, but the term cannabis. If I'm around my good friends I just say ganj.


Well-Known Member
"Pot" is too classic to give up. It is also very useful in determining someones understanding of the marijuana issue. I get a kick out of it when I hear something like, "He smokes THE pot."


Well-Known Member
lately, because of all the hoopla, i've been calling it "dope". lol :eyesmoke:

i ask everyone "you wanna get high?"

it's all out in the open now.


Well-Known Member
If your life so meaningless that you have to actually think up things that don't matter and "fight" for them...I am sad for you.

You must find purpose or you will just invite negativity.

On that note, I call it Da Ma.

Brick Top

New Member
Sir Winston Churchill said; "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." That could be altered to say 'the best argument against marijuana is a five-minute conversation with the average marijuana smoker.... and be equally as true. Many tokers make the very best case against marijuana that could ever be made.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
banning the term "pot" for cannabis would be like banning the word "cool" to describe something. words should never be forcibly banned regardless of their percieved "connotations". if the word doesn't fall out of use on its own then it's a part of the culture.


Well-Known Member
I hate the term dope. To my generation, dope is heroin. To my father's generation, dope is cannabis. I can't believe the medicinal community supports the term marijuana (a racist term) over cannabis (the scientific term). I like cannabis, bud, herb, sacrament :-)


Well-Known Member
I think we should ban the term "pot" and "dope" from our vocabulary when talking with anyone who's not our good friends. Now those terms are being used (overused if you ask me) too much in the political scene across the nation, especially now with prop 19 battles raging. I think as long as WE think those terms are fine our enemies will gladly oblige. I've even avoid lately the terms "weed" "reefer" "spliff" "ganga" because even though I like those terms they carry negative connotations (e.g. reefer madness) (Weeds=bad, Flowers=good) (hey maybe "flowers" will catch on someday...)
I like the terms Spliff and Ganga but they're related to jamaica mon bob marley drug music hippie free love free sex free hiv death thing mon.

I use the term cannabis exclusively as I've found that even the seemingly neutral term "marijuana" has been maligned for so long that even it's gained a negative connotation with the older crowd.
I think we should speak about it scientifically and scientists usually use "cannabis".

Just my opinion. What's the crowd in here think mon?
Well dude....Bob Marley smoked it as a religious sacrament due to his Rastafarian beliefs. But I like to call it "Medication" tho I have no ailments! Ya Know?


Well-Known Member
Sir Winston Churchill said; "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." That could be altered to say 'the best argument against marijuana is a five-minute conversation with the average marijuana smoker.... and be equally as true. Many tokers make the very best case against marijuana that could ever be made.
I agree 100%. I was watching hash bar tv the other day. There was a 5 minute video where the first half was an introduction to a few patients that had fairly extreme conditions and the goal was to show that these people benefit from MMJ. The second half of the video was a few people rolling 6 ozs. and a few grams of hash into a gigantic joint and they sit there for 3 hours smoking it. I would tend to think that any lawmaker that is on the fence about MJ would look at that and fall toward the "naahhhhhh" side of the vote.


Well-Known Member
I hate the term dope. To my generation, dope is heroin. To my father's generation, dope is cannabis. I can't believe the medicinal community supports the term marijuana (a racist term) over cannabis (the scientific term). I like cannabis, bud, herb, sacrament :-)
I agree with the disdain for the term dope. Alot of heads use it but, It reminds me of heroin in these parts. Also getting high is so general in my parts. You could be getting high on anything. I prefer stoned, but same difference.... all just words.
my favs are POT, herb, ganja, headies, blah blah .. and of course the ever loving word cannabis ... but I don't use it around friends really.. " got some cannabis' just sounds funny .. strongest used in a debate or discussion. It does IMO take negative connotations about pot to the back burner...
i'm talking shit.. i'm high ... and i'm not suggesting any term is better or worse .. just the words i use..:leaf:


Active Member
Thats an odd thing to ask not to say pot, gonja, spliff, weed, or any other nic name u can give it, considering what site your posting this on. each to thier own and no disrespect, but Im a pothead, i toke the gonja, roll spliffs, and smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
nobody calls it meds?
I personally hate the term "meds" for Marijuana.

Reminds me of a bunch of co-dependent people whining to get their meds. I also hate the term, "I am going to go medicate". Fuckin ignorant, co-dependent and annoying.

Marijuana is a healing plant from the Earth. It heals, not "medicates".

However, I don't go starting threads and try to convince people how to talk.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if simplifying terms down to just 'Cannabis' would work too well but I do see your point, alot of discriptions do make it sound like the stuff is for Trippy LSD, child porn loving hippies that don't have a brain cell to share between their whole sing-a-long group. By refining it to Cannabis, or Canna, or just the code 4:20 seems to go down well :) I think nowadays Cannabis for most is considered the new age Alcohol, and those that still enjoy alcohol get to enjoy the best of both worlds, But no one wants to be known as a hippy - Its kinda degrading and makes Cannabis look like its the culprit, most people nowadays that smoke the good stuff are successful, intelligent people that want to relax after a stressful day of everyday life and wake up the next day without a hangover, so they can get to work on time and still put out their best efforts, whilst knowing they have a 'treat' waiting for them when they get home, and for these people to be classed as Hippies, drop-outs, POT Heads, Dopers etc seems plain wrong! Whilst to know that someone chills with Cannabis sounds alot more acceptable - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
@ MoneyCount

Dropping links from a source that anyone in the world can edit is not going to help your point (Whatever the point was)...especially since I have felt like this long before the Wiki even existed.

Learn to think for yourself and write down your own opinions.

Religious healing is a form of "self medication" techniques. I don't believe on those either.