Banana Method?!?


New Member
Some of them do, why else would the pills come in different colors? Week 1 pills are blue and weeks 2 and 3 are green on some pills. Of course week 4 is white. THe manufacturer would not make them different colors of the estrogen amount didn't vary.

I dont think they vary in estrogen levels week to week...

but the last week of the pack is nothing "sugar pills"

Outlaw, stop calling women bitches. We aren't calling you teeny tiny needle dick are we? No, so stop acting like a dickhead. Thanks :bigjoint:


Active Member
Some of them do, why else would the pills come in different colors? Week 1 pills are blue and weeks 2 and 3 are green on some pills. Of course week 4 is white. THe manufacturer would not make them different colors of the estrogen amount didn't vary.

yes, they would make them different colors so that the BITCHES know when they forgot their pill for example:

Bitch On sunday: Its sunday! my first birth control pill yay!
Bitch On sunday (7 days later) Time for my pill! wait it should be dark blue this week i must have forgot one!


Well-Known Member
it`s people like with your disrespectfull comments that make this place kinda suck.
after somone asked not to use that word here you felt the need to be an idiot and say repetedly.

did it make feel like a man, cause you sure dont sound like one.
sounds like you may need more than a pill


New Member
I've been doing the apple method and got a girl. Could have just been the way it was, could have been the apples. Doesn't matter, got another girl. woo hoo.......

No they make them different colors because the estrogen levels vary, the days of the week are labeled, but I wouldn't expect a needle dick like you to know that. I think I just heard your hairline recede.

yes, they would make them different colors so that the BITCHES know when they forgot their pill for example:

Bitch On sunday: Its sunday! my first birth control pill yay!
Bitch On sunday (7 days later) Time for my pill! wait it should be dark blue this week i must have forgot one!


Junior Creatologist
damn, this thread took a turn for the worse, didnt it??

Hester, dont worry bout that shit chick. u aint gotta splain yourself to nobody, specially not a bunch of fuckers who dont get how birth control works cuz they aint never been with a chick in the 1st place - they get all their info from television n pronos. -n glad to hear that you got a fem from the apple method, lol. Personally, i prefer the "order feminized seeds" method, but im usin the nanner method for my power skunks n super skunks i got.

Gave some to a bro of mine, n he germed a few n got all fems as of this week, btw....he grew them out for 3 weeks, n then took some clones to see what sex i was givin him. So, even though that doesnt prove that the nanner method works, it doesnt disprove it neither, plus dude got some fems offa me :P

- n i still got ten seeds in nanner peels, so if anyone wants to do a CONTROLLED test to see if they work in a couple months when i do my next grow, im all for it. Someone can be the Control experiment, and do their 5 free seeds without nanners, and ill do the Experimental batch, with the nanners. If anyone is down to do it, just lemme know, n well plan on when to start - same conditions, same media, same lighting, ect...



Active Member
I've been keeping some bagseeds in a air-sealed jar with banana peel in it for about 12 days (banana peel is being replaced with a new one every two three days). The seeds will be sowed in a couple of days, let's see what happens. I'll keep a journal of this grow and keep you guys informed...


Well-Known Member
I've been keeping some bagseeds in a air-sealed jar with banana peel in it for about 12 days (banana peel is being replaced with a new one every two three days). The seeds will be sowed in a couple of days, let's see what happens. I'll keep a journal of this grow and keep you guys informed...
im watching and want to see if it works, not too sure what happend to this thread though a lot of immaturity goin around on roll it up lately