Banana Method?!?

I like to use the caramel dip. I don't like it when it's a whole apple that is covered. Plus when I cut the apples up to eat them, I can put the core parts in with my plants for the apple method. Mmm mmm good.
i love the candy apple on a stick thingy too
i have one if those fondu fountains that you can put chocolate in or whatver an dhave made weed choco fountain before. sooo good toput bannaners and strawberries and shit like that
damn got side tracked, good luck on the apple method chika
yea it is delicious. I inject chocolate into big strawberries too. some times with weed sometimes just because it is fucking delicious
You should open a candy shop, "special" treats !!! That chocolate inside the strawberries sounds excellent, I'm going to have to try that now.

I like to make chocolate covered pretzels, those are addictive.
damn that's a good idea
Mister Nice GUY delectables, could ship them to stoners or medical users
you better be my first customer, discounted of course =)
i use a flavor injector or a smaller injector with melted down white and dark and milk chocolates mixed with a little (weed)oil to soften it up. then gets injected and then dipped in the harder chocolate for an outer coating. damn gunna have to make some today
Hell yes I'm interested, I can't think of anything other than those chocolate injected strawberries. BTW how much oil to chocolate ratio do you use? Is it just a dab, or more like 5 parts choc, 1 part oil?
hmmm, guess i should write down my recipes more often. would test it out yourself to choose what softness you want. like. do a small amount and portion it up. but what i usually do is get chocolate chips (1bag) and double boil them with a cap full of oil. And let a little bit dry to see if it is as chewy or not as chewy as i want. then go from there, cause they can get pretty hard on the inside from the cold strawberries so chewy is always good. so whatever your preference chika
tell me how it goes, maybe some pics too. i will be makin a vid for RIU of weed recipe of this and some other recipes and will fine tune it
-Mister Nice GUY
I'll probably wait until next spring when strawberries are in season. I don't like to buy them this time of year, the quality is really bad.

If you have any other yummy recipes you'd like to share I'll listen, cooking is something I'm good at. Never cooked with weed before but am excited to try it.
Well, lets start with the weed cooking part. My fav two are, weed oil and cannabutter.
Can make weed oil my way or google it. I get the amount of oil needed for the recipe and place it in a cup with the amount of weed i will be using and microwave it for about 20 to 30 seconds, then place in pan to cook the rest of the weed with the oil till you notice the weed browning. Do this on a low heat setting. You can strain this to get weed oil, and can do it in large amounts to save for later cookings. I make bottles of it and place a nug in the bottle for show and to absorb the flavor. Dont have to strain out the weed, can still cook with it, depends on your taste and recipe.
Cannabutter time. I do this by boiling water and the amount of butter needed for recipe. about 2 times more water than butter. and then when at boiling point add weed amount grinded down. and cook on lower temp for a few minutes. till you can kinda smell that skunky smell coming from the pot. strain this in a glass container or whatever and place in a cool area, fridge works well. overnight or a few hours later and you are left with cannabutter on top of water. just scoop out canna butter and let dry a bit and there ya go. i make this and put in the tubs of i cant believe its not butter =)
I want to do both. Can't wait until I have plants done so I have some trim to do this. There are already 2 other people here salivating over the idea of those strawberries.
How do you make cannabis oil..I heard you have to extract with an alcohol..also,is it better to smoke cannabis than eating it?I would think eating is better since you dont waste any cannabinoids or THC,unlike smoking,where as much as 95% of the THC is wasted when you exhale the smoke....also misshestermoffitt,DO YOU HATE ME???
How do you make cannabis oil..I heard you have to extract with an alcohol..also,is it better to smoke cannabis than eating it?I would think eating is better since you dont waste any cannabinoids or THC,unlike smoking,where as much as 95% of the THC is wasted when you exhale the smoke....also misshestermoffitt,DO YOU HATE ME???
i think eating it is great as long as you dont smoke anything that day it seems to me that i dontt get high off what was eaten if ive smoked too,but that might just be me