banned from stonerhaven

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I guess you're safe then. 8) There are a number of people here that know my real name and even where I live but I'm not certain I would want UB knowing that. I like UB a lot in some ways, especially since he's a very intelligent person, and we tend to have lively banter. I'm not sure about him but I bust his chops sometimes, just because I get a chance. He's a little strange sometimes but we all have our quirks.
I guess you're safe then. 8) There are a number of people here that know my real name and even where I live but I'm not certain I would want UB knowing that. I like UB a lot in some ways, especially since he's a very intelligent person, and we tend to have lively banter. I'm not sure about him but I bust his chops sometimes, just because I get a chance. He's a little strange sometimes but we all have our quirks.
Lol. I admire his dogged tenacity.
they stole our we have trophies :(

I melted mine down for scrap and cashed in.

that's ok tho cuz I was supposed to get a toaster oven for reaching 900 rep and it never came ;)
If the owners admin want to allow blatant trolling and bullshit I agree. If they don't want to allow it that is their right it is your right not to sign up if you don't like such horrible restrictions.

as far as ubs little It is totally apparent that he came to troll and only troll....or he is a closet homophobe which I highly doubt. The mere fact that he changed his screename says it all.....if there is nothing to hide.....??????

so bottom line this place doesn't tolerate negative bullshit, trolling, heckling, or pretty much most of the things buck employs when he disagrees with someone. He came with the sole intent to troll and stir the pot, he accomplished said goal as he is a master at it. He was promptly banned, according to site rules...

what is the problem again?????

I don't think danny said there was a problem, just that he preferred to be able to speak his mind as colorfully as he wished so long as it didn't directly attack another member.
Many ppl change their screen names. That doesn't really speak to his intent. I just think if a site is gonna have a politics area then just like in a bar you have to expect a bar fight once in a while.
If I owned a stoner site I would personally stay out of the politics section. It would stifle free speech. I wouldn't want ppl to hold back for fear of being disciplined.
As for Buck's encounter, he was extended an invite to return if I read correctly, which says a lot about the sites ability to let bygones be bygones.
pure is one of the coolest ppl. i've met wouldn't know buck, you lasted all of ten minutes.

right up to the point you posted anti gay links...which are not tolerated. surprising really, that you would essentially reverse your entire political stance to join a new forum. You really gonna say you came to debate in a reasonable fashion?

and btw...a "well supported argument" is one where namecalling and flaming is unnecessary to get ones point across. You just aren't used to playing on a level playing field brother.

like I said. I think you've lost the ability to have rational and even debates, If someone disagrees with you they are automatically a racist, bigot, or any of the other colorful adjectives you use to describe someone.
pure is one of the coolest ppl. i've met wouldn't know buck, you lasted all of ten minutes.

right up to the point you posted anti gay links...which are not tolerated. surprising really, that you would essentially reverse your entire political stance to join a new forum. You really gonna say you came to debate in a reasonable fashion?

and btw...a "well supported argument" is one where namecalling and flaming is unnecessary to get ones point across. You just aren't used to playing on a level playing field brother.

like I said. I think you've lost the ability to have rational and even debates, If someone disagrees with you they are automatically a racist, bigot, or any of the other colorful adjectives you use to describe someone.

i disagree with you here, but i don't think you are any of those things you just listed.

and it's not namecalling or flaming when you demonstrate it to be true. if someone claims to be against anti-gay bigotry, and then tells you to tune in to an anti-gay bigot, it is not "namecalling" to point out that they are hopelessly fucking dumb.

i did all of this without ever calling anyone a single name or flaming anyone and got banned. i've been at several different IPs over the last few weeks and have had every opportunity to come back, but have chosen not to. debating a thin-skinned, preening narcissist with a ban hammer in a politics forum is pretty pointless.

if you don't like the heat of the politics kitchen and can't handle being called out, then stay out.
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