banned from stonerhaven

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You are constantly insulting people, making lying remarks, putting words in peoples mouths and being an asshole in general. The worst thing I could call you is "unclebuck"; everyone here with a shred of intelligence despises you. Your only "friends" are other trolls. Enjoy seething in your hatred.

you just compared gay people to kiddy diddlers and dog fuckers, yet i am the hateful, insulting, lying, unintelligent asshole?

i don't get it.
you just compared gay people to kiddy diddlers and dog fuckers, yet i am the hateful, insulting, lying, unintelligent asshole?

i don't get it.

Once again you justify your own actions based upon those of others. Why don't you man up and take responsibility for who YOU are? Instead of hiding behind the faults of others.
Once again you justify your own actions based upon those of others. Why don't you man up and take responsibility for who YOU are? Instead of hiding behind the faults of others.
See thats what u get uncle for not being a Independent like me

Let's quit the bullshit and legalize weed and hookers and assault rifles for everyone

So then we can smoke, shoot and screw at one time
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This is what I posted, troll king. How is that remotely what you accused me of?
I dont see how the two things are related. One is natural human emotion and the other is a sex crime against a kid or animal..
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I said "UB, what about a person that condemns bestiality or pedophilia; would you consider that person a "bigot"? That's not a statement; it's a question and you have not answered it; instead you've made baseless and foolish accusations. I plainly as if you would consider that person a bigot?
If stoner sites are gonna have a poiltics forum members should be free to say anything they want without fear of being banned as long as it's not hurtful to other members. That's what I like about RIU. you can be loud and arrogant and still get away with it. Within reason of course.

If the owners admin want to allow blatant trolling and bullshit I agree. If they don't want to allow it that is their right it is your right not to sign up if you don't like such horrible restrictions.

as far as ubs little It is totally apparent that he came to troll and only troll....or he is a closet homophobe which I highly doubt. The mere fact that he changed his screename says it all.....if there is nothing to hide.....??????

so bottom line this place doesn't tolerate negative bullshit, trolling, heckling, or pretty much most of the things buck employs when he disagrees with someone. He came with the sole intent to troll and stir the pot, he accomplished said goal as he is a master at it. He was promptly banned, according to site rules...

what is the problem again?????
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