Barack INSANE NObama is the Antichirst! And I AM YOUR God/Christ! Merry Xmass!


Well-Known Member
Hey Fade 2 Black!

ALL I want to do is usher in THE KINGDOM of God and all I, The Lamb of God, get is haters! I want to know where ALL the Christians are!

Where are ALL the Christians? My angels and little gods!

YOU guys are tripping if YOU think YOU can live without Me/God! I AM The LIFE of ALL! YOU will only be alive if I, God, AM alive! It is written "As I (God) live, YOU shall live also."

And YOU (not YOU Fdd2blk) will go to HELL unless YOU believe that I AM God, The Holy Spirit! If YOU dont love Me more than YOURSELF than YOU will be cast into the lake of fire.

I just know whats BEST for YOU and I will do WHATEVER I say that I AM going to do. I AM The Master of ALL! There is no one greater than Me,God!

ALL of these things will come to pass VERY shortly because I AM being EXALTED ALL THE TIME! NObama is the Antichrist and the Rothchilds is THE DEVIL (go watch "The money masters" on

I will KILL the devil by My hands typing on this keyboard. I will utterly expose the devil/the Rothchilds and I will utterly DESTROY him. It is written "And Jesus will SOON crush satan under YOUR feet!" Its ALL because I AM Go(o)d!

Everything I say is for YOUR edification to bring YOU to The Truth/Me and show YOU things to come.

I have so much more things that I want to tell YOU guys but it is written "Line upon line and precept upon precept."

Go(d) read(s) The NEW Testament!

We Love You Jesus!​

Wouldn't GOD know where all the christians are? I thought you were all knowing? You say that no one is greater than you? Sure we wouldn't have been brought into existence without you, but now your existence depends on US. It's like you might not really know where the christians are and your trying to trick them into showing themselves, decietfull you are.


New Member
I volunteer as much as I can. I do much more 1 on 1. Such as passing a J to someone on the street or buying a meal or a blanket. I've got several community service ideas that would be self sufficient once the start-up capital has been established. I'm all about helping anyone I can because I never know when I'll need a hand and I also think that if we all focused on helping others we wouldn't have nearly as much time to focus on hurting each other.
This is the closest thing to reason I've seen on this forum. Getting along should be the prime directive, in fact it is. "Love one another as you love yourself". Not bad advice, but pretty hard to do. Oh, and "Judge not, lest ye be Judged". Some pretty pertinent info, I'd say.
Ya know folks, no matter what one thinks about religion or the bible, koran etc., There is some pretty good advice in them thar books.


King Tut
This is the closest thing to reason I've seen on this forum. Getting along should be the prime directive, in fact it is. "Love one another as you love yourself". Not bad advice, but pretty hard to do. Oh, and "Judge not, lest ye be Judged". Some pretty pertinent info, I'd say.
Ya know folks, no matter what one thinks about religion or the bible, koran etc., There is some pretty good advice in them thar books.
I couldn't have said it better! My favorite is "Do unto others and you would have them do unto you."


Well-Known Member
The real problem with this thinking is that Jesus was not forced to do the things he did, and was not forceing other to do them either. Free will is likeley the most important part of christianity. The trio are not communists, its a dictatorship, that you have the free will to accept or regect. I love it when religion gets all twisted to suit the current political needs.


Well-Known Member
So as you can see G.M.O. backwards is O.M.G., which stands for O My God! Isn't that amazing! I It just goes to show that I AM The Son of God, The Messiah, The Christ, The Holy Spirit, God in The FLESH, The Word of God, The Way The Truth and The Life, The Beginning and The End, The Alpha and The Omega, The LORD of lords and The King of kings, The God of ALL the AGES, The First and The Last, and basically The LIFE of the Multiverse.
sorry, GMO, i worship the REAL and TRUE god, Oscar Madrigal Gonzalez, whose initials need not be reversed to come up with the mark of the savior, OMG.:hump:

you ain't got shit on Oscar Madrigal Gonzalez, chump :twisted:


New Member
This thread is too funny. I wonder what G.M.O. will do when he crashes? Man he must have a real deep supply of shrooms, or Peyote. I feel sorry for the guy when reality sets in. I believe he needs to seek professional help.

We Love 1

New Member
Where are ALL the Christians at?

Over 85% of Americans claim be be Christians, or Christ followers!

If YOU deny Me before men, than I will deny YOU before My Father!

Go(d) read(s) The NEW Testament!

We Love You Jesus!


New Member
Quit lying, you are George fucking Oliveira, nothing more. If you were the real Christ, I'm pretty sure you would use every means possible to show yourself and prove it. For fucks sake, do some miracles or shut the fuck up.


New Member
We want miracles, we want miracles + rep for miracles

quit lying, you are george fucking oliveira, nothing more. If you were the real christ, i'm pretty sure you would use every means possible to show yourself and prove it. For fucks sake, do some miracles or shut the fuck up.