i dunno... I've seen mixed reviews about it (smoking at barney's at least, nothing from someone that's grown it yet), and they're either "fucking awesome" or "fucking shit".... that's why i'm leary of it.
but on the other hand... i know that cannabis has been cultivated by man for thousands of years, there's scientific evidence to support it. Based on this, and my experience/knowledge of indica/sativas, it would not suprise me to find out that ancient cannabis grew like this plant, which is why we started breeding/cultivating in the first place....
just like now, we cross low-yielding, yet highly psychoactive sativas with a higher yielding, faster flowering indica to get a better plant for our specific (mainly underground/indoor) growing needs. It would make sense to me that our ancestors did the same thing, sacrificed a bit of quality to cross with and make a resulting product that combined the traits they were looking for.... so maybe this would be some pretty good shit, to smoke and to breed with....
or as i said, it could be some fucked up mutant that barney's didnt want to lose an investment on..... they do seem to be rather commercial.