damn, so sorry to hear that, but hey, you get experience in return. ofc this kind of setup requires either for you to watch it every hour or be sure that mechanics won't fail.. And mechanics always fail at some most inconvenient point... I'm growing in soil and I'm really happy with it. You get enough challenges in there as well lol, would like to try hydro, but just for expanding my knowledge, other than that, soil fully satisfies me..
And man, nobody can tell which strain to grow for ya

Before I started growing I knew that I wanted something uplifting, couchlock-less, clear headed trippy buzz with a lot of laugh, so when I smoke it with my friends we would not turn into mumbling sleepy things not being able to make a sentence. But the main criteria was uplifting energetic laughing strain. I tried silver haze, did not find what I expected, then wanted to get Kali Mist, but it was so god damn expensive, so in the end I went for C'99 and probably I will not be growing any other strain but this. The tropical fruit/alpine fresh smell during the grow, only when resin starts packing you get more intensive but still not weed like smell, it finishes in not more than 49-52 days from flip. Everytime I smoke it I stay awake, laugh my ass off and have some funny trippy experience. Heaven strain, but you see, you need to know exactly what you want so you can start looking for
Hopefully you'll get back to growing business, cause it's so much fun and do not let one failure to demotivate you!