Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

Are you using a base like a two part solution? I use connoisseur bloom A&B. With the A&B I'll add Carbload, rhino skin, calimag, Ancient Earth, Zenzyme, and big bud. Right now I'm replacing big bud with Overdrive.
yes i use all 2 parts both A and B but instead of connoisseur i run the Sensi line. they only sell connoisseur here in bloom and since i was fairly new and just wanted to test the line i went with the cheaper option but the connoisseur is "supposed" to be their top line for both grow and bloom. all the stores here don't carry a huge variety of selection either plus the store i go to now has the biggest parking lot so i grab from there. the rest is extremely tight parking which can only fit maybe 2 cars max and they are always full or extremely awkward parking situation. the old store i used to go to is in an industrial area near my work maybe 20minute walk but extremely hard to park even with a small car and the street parking is packed with cars due to it being industrial area full of mechanic shops.
August 25

watered 1gal tap. lower fan leaves that are shaded slowly yellowing and dying off leaving um on for now but will be pruning them eventually.

extra pic is of my vermicompost inside some sort or rectangular tray. im trying to see if these random flower seeds i got from burpee as a freebie will sprout in it. compost i'd label as HOT. i scattered a bunch of seeds in that tray maybe 50 at least. going to try mess around with sowing and outdoor growing if a lot of them sprout. LOTS of worms in there though had to get rid of some from my compost bin it was getting too full going to add more carbon to it and food down the line


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Cute little hobby grow. I don't think you have enough light for big buds. I popped some PC seeds and got 3 different phenos. One was super stinky donkey dick buds, another was shorter growing smaller buds with no smell and one was kinda in between. I can't tell with yours yet but it looks to be the smaller pheno. I hope you get that stinky smell, I love that smell.

it smells weird very stinky for sure i think it might be the skunk im smelling but it smells funky thought at first it was the soil but matter of fact it's the buds. has a slight faint smell of over watered soil and what i'd consider a hint of cheese.

as for the lighting yea i got a lot of factors against me thus why i grow as a hobby not really for consuming or high quality. i already knew majority of these factors would be an issue when i first started growing but one of the factors made things a little more worse. my mom passed away unexpectedly from cancer so money has become very tight. i continue to grow because i enjoy it and it makes me happy despite at the time i was in the middle of a grow and just was super depressed to not want to continue that grow but it has helped me cope with the loss.

i don't think i plan to ever upgrade to maximize yields and quality since i live in Hawaii and everything here is kind of expensive but i did want to get into it as a business aspect until i read up on the laws to starting a business here and it's simply not worth the investment. i am also trying to get more into outdoor growing and just growing different flowers/plants in general not specifically just cannabis but i use it as a stepping stone to learn as my grandpa owns the house but he just turned 84 and our garden is fairly big for just 1 person to constantly maintain on there own but he does it to his own extent and skills but eventually im going to have to take over probably will take a good year to get it fixed up and weeded out and ammend all the soil and what not to be able to start planting thus i got all types of projects working like composting again starting off with a very tiny colony of worms which have grown massive now and are able to compost more and more over time.
Dude you may have gotten lucky. My stinky pheno reminds me of cheese also. I love to open a jar for a minute just to stink up a room.
never smelled skunk before but i think my strawberry cough is a cheese strain it smelled sweet though. i actually have an extra pair of lights i think it's rated more wattage then these HLG's but are not as good penetration wise i was gonna try and use it for side lighting but due to it being summer and heat issues already i didn't use it.

idk if this will be my last grow for a while either due to medical card falling off in a few days but it is an indoor grow anyways but my dad doesn't want to risk it. plus i got a shit load of bud stored up
August 28


sorry been fairly busy with WoW Classic. pistils are all starting to slowly turn red and one major issue i am having is the older leaves are dying off turning yellow kind of too early imo and kind of concerning but they look like they are getting eaten up. they look like they have some sort of diffency the middle of the leaves are turning brownish in various patches and it's just a weird coloring. it reminds me of army camo green,dark green,brown patches.

if i had to diagnose myself without knowing much i'd say it looks like phosphorous defiency though leaves kind of look like they have white specs as well. i see no bugs on the damaged leaves. possibly this plant is a hungry mfer? im going to try and pump her up more usually i pump them up with lots of nutrients so i never tend to have this issue even if i dont PH my water.
August 29

took pics of damage. she started turning fucked up REAL quick. not sure what it is but looks off setting tbh. don't see bugs but i see some weird grey shit under some of the leaves possible PM? entire plants stalk has the same off setting color as well it's brownish. leaves turning brownish as well.

if anyone knows what it is feel free to lmk. im not super concerned all the damaged parts are on beneath the net so my biggest assumption is PM. why? my fan is pointed to the sky, major heat/RH issues as it is summer RH has been pretty high as usual for summer here same as heat. i've looked at the popcorn buds they have the greyish stuff on the sugar leaves as well.

now it COULD.. be just trichomes but.. i see the same stuff under the fan leaves which is why i assume PM. i even tried to rub it off on the fan leaves underneath but it didn't come off which is the weird part so not super sure.

not super concerned as i said it's a learning experience for me my first time dealing with this in general never had this issue over my past few grows. all the top buds seem fine but i've been super busy gaming/work/life to really tend to her much outside of watering and feeding. come sunday i will be pruning her dead leaves.

all i've done today was feed everything. buds look semi close to done i give them a few more weeks they should be in week 4 of flower already give or take 2 more weeks at the very least. i want to trim off popcorn buds as well but i don't want to stress her out too much. still lots of white pistils but she has fattened up good for my skills/equipment/etc..

UPDATE ON FLOWER GROW - a shit load of the seeds have sprouted and have cotyledons some still sprouting. i have not sowed them yet i was just thinking of leaving in longer and see how they turn out as they get bigger then sow. i want to try and grow them outside as well so thus why im trying to make some get bigger. it was free seeds so it's not like i know how to grow those specific strains. i am basically killing off time to gut my Pineapple and then fill the tent up with maybe 12 3gals and see how each plant turns out.


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Shit man those buds look great to me. I don't think that is mildew by the look of your last pics. Might be some kind of topsoil bug that has its offspring chew on bottom leaves. I see it with thrips or fungus gnats in coco every once in a while.

Great journal, I will be following it. Good luck on your journey!
Shit man those look great to me. I don't think that is mildew by the look of your last pics. Might be some kind of topsoil bug that has its offspring chew on bottom leaves. I see it with thrips or fungus gnats in coco every once in a while.

Great journal, I will be following it. Good luck on your journey!

If you're talking about those little spots on the leaves, I notice something similar on mine (inside the veg tent) as well. At first I thought it was some kind of little bug/scale or even over feeding but then i thought maybe it could be wind burn from a fan? I notice all mine are located directly in the path of the fan (for circulation) . Dunno but it's also been really hot lately
If you're talking about those little spots on the leaves, I notice something similar on mine (inside the veg tent) as well. At first I thought it was some kind of little bug/scale or even over feeding but then i thought maybe it could be wind burn from a fan? I notice all mine are located directly in the path of the fan (for circulation) . Dunno but it's also been really hot lately

Fans do beat the shit out of leaves. Its hard to tell. I wouldn't use fans that pause at any one spot for too long or that don't have a large angle they cover.
Fans do beat the shit out of leaves. Its hard to tell. I wouldn't use fans that pause at any one spot for too long or that don't have a large angle they cover.

I agree. Sadly I'm stuck with this particular fan and it looks to be drying out the leaves directly in its path. I need to invest in a fan that rotates lol

OPS pics look very similar to mine
I've gotta agree it does look like spidermites a neem oil spray at lights out & then repeat in 4 days interval spidermites always hit me about the time they start budding if let go mites can do serious damage they'll move from the leaves into newly developing buds & they lay eggs that's why repeated spraying wall mart has the safer brand stuff I've had success using has extract of neem oiil in it & rated safe to use for organic gardening
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August 31

plants doing alright. they look kind of close to finishing i suspect this will be a 6-8 week strain lots of white pistils still but half are orange already still needs to bulk up more though.

as for the issue i don't think it is PM anymore i've tried looking up the issues and it looks like Phosphorous defiency from what i've read/people said about the same issues and pics but yes i also suspected spidermites because when i opened up the tent i saw some faint webbing on the netting.

the issue with the spidermites though is how tf did they get in there? i've NEVER had that issue when growing except for this plant i am not using anything crazy either same soil, vermicompost i made which has been in since day 1. it does not look as bad today as it did on the 29th imo. i also do NOT see any bugs i checked multiple infected leaves i see no bugs at all i rub the weird shit i thought was PM it doesn't even rub off and i thought "fuck are these bugs?" because it looked like maybe a huge cluster fuck of them but it didn't even smudge off.

i have continued to pump her with more nutrients in hopes maybe she is just a thirsty bitch wanting more food. if indeed spidermites fuck um imma just roll with it see how it goes without treating and learn for educational experiences. im going with the lack of nutrients/thirsty issue though so i will try and continue with that route if not then at least i am 100% certain it is spidermites.

as far as RH goes i have had no issues with PM thus far it is starting to get cooler. she smells good though starting to smell sweet again but the tent is constantly open/exhausted so i can't smell much as i used to when i didn't exhaust my grow.

my flower grow is going alright looks like a bunch of weeds but i just watered going to thin um out when they get slightly bigger some of um got fucked when i just watered so i guess natural thinning lol.

SHIT load of popcorn buds though think i could of vegged it out a little taller. still waiting for them to bulk up and slowly watching that 1 fat ass bud site she is plumping up nice and juicy


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