I know that Seer Rock Dust works
I know one who grows Commercial eko controlled and lab tested salad farm outside summertimes.
This is one old grower.
They have found that the Salad got much better nutrients and is more healthy for human to eat if they use this Seer Rock Dust.
This is labtested thing.
Also the Salad grows little faster, and healthier they told.
I have use this when i grow cannabis self.
And i love the results.
My plants is so healthy and green.
I grow organic in soil indoors.
I use to mix this in my soil from beginning.
I also make tea that i let bubble 7days and i use this to wet up coco that i have in my soil mix.
This 7days old teamix with Rock Dust is pretty much activated i believe, the coco has no nutes from beginning, så this is good thing also to boost the grow.
Have something in the water you wet up the dry coco with you have in your soilmix. And something that does not burn also the roots like this Rock Dust.
This is cheap.
I know for 100% it does not hurt plants.
What i know it is good for SALAD grow for humans that you eat. I have seen the lab results self from that Salad grower.
And he is Verified Eko Grower, commersial professional.
And the Salad got also a little bit more harvest with this Seer Rock Dust they say.
My own experiences with Rock Dust:
My plants never look this healthy and green before.
Rock Dust works for me.
Seer is the brand i use:
You must be very carefull when mix this.
ROCKDUST is very light weight because it is so Dusty, and stays in air long time.
And rocks is dangerous for lungs to breathe in.
Have breathing mask if you need mix alot ( if your grow is big )
Lift atleast up your T-SHIRT over the mouth and nose when you do this mixing.
This is dangerous mix if you handle it rough and without something that covers breeding
Remember now: Just Take it easy when you mix this and you will be fine 
The best way to use Rock Dust is to buy the nearest natural RockDust producer where you live.
If you live in the areas where small private companies works and sells this.
You can buy it for very little money i have read.
Watch out for possible scammers anyway if you buy this locally i have read also:
I did read before that there is scammers who sells shit sand as Real Rock Dust.
You cant trust them all.
You need to see verification. Lab testing before buy. And from what i read back in time
all the sellers that are real have no problem show the results.
This is Important to know So you get what you want and need.
If you live in EU and want the 100% real thing. Buy Seers Rock Dust.
This is awaible in many EU countries.
Maybe Seers homesite got links to shops ?
Look there, or google.
Good luck all
sorry for my horrible english, im trying help you people and i hope you understund the most anyway