Bat Guano Tea


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yeah, no shit. I think I'm still about 3-5 weeks out from harvest, so hopefully the guano might make for a somewhat successful last ditch effort...

...think it'll make a difference?
i only use the guano during veg and the 1st month in flower.:hump:

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
plants love guano. I am in veg still and on my first organic soil as opposed to hydro but I have never grown so succesfully as with organics and guano. wow. they grow!


Well-Known Member
I finally got mine in today (8 days after ordering) How much of a difference do you guys think it's going to make when i'm only 3-4 weeks out from harvest?


k here is how it gos

1.molasses 150ml


3.bat g

4.kelp (cold processed)

now when all of this done put it in some where warm let it sit and every day look at it take it out open cap to let out the gas (because of EM-1 and molasses) shake put cap back on put back in to warm place up to a week well do but longer the better

Ganga Cook

I plan to use mexican guano tea during veg and I also have some indonesian guano high in phosphorus for when my babies start to flower. Heard some great things about teas. I think in a perfect world, everything would be grown organically.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
ok here is my tea recipe
take a old sock to use as a tea bag fill with 1 cup bat guano and 1 cup worm casting and 1 cup of kelp meal (optional) close with a zip tie, put in a bucket of water I do 2 gallons at a time, and let soak every few hrs go work the sock and squeeze the shit out of it , add 10 ml of seaweed extract, 10 ml of fish fertilizer (optional if you dont like the smell), place a air stone in the mix for 24-36hrs its ready to use 100% or diluted, it will not burn your grow and for the love of god do not use molassesses, it works yes but will also cause nats which will eat the root system of your plants, keep mixture @ no more then 65 degrees as it will gas off and spoil and make your grow smell like hell

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
fyi dont buy the high price guano from the hydro shops go to the hardware store and get a box for less then 10$ it will work just as well, the left overs in the sock after use are excellent soil ammendments teaming with micro's and good bateria