ok here is my tea recipe
take a old sock to use as a tea bag fill with 1 cup bat guano and 1 cup worm casting and 1 cup of kelp meal (optional) close with a zip tie, put in a bucket of water I do 2 gallons at a time, and let soak every few hrs go work the sock and squeeze the shit out of it , add 10 ml of seaweed extract, 10 ml of fish fertilizer (optional if you dont like the smell), place a air stone in the mix for 24-36hrs its ready to use 100% or diluted, it will not burn your grow and for the love of god do not use molassesses, it works yes but will also cause nats which will eat the root system of your plants, keep mixture @ no more then 65 degrees as it will gas off and spoil and make your grow smell like hell