BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I don't think those silver bars are the same as the other ones I had.
Yesterday afternoon was very odd. I nodded off on the sofa and when I woke up but before I opened my eyes I had massive dinosaur hands(that only makes sense to me) Also my eyesight was fucked everything was so blurry I couldn't read anything. I kept hearing whispering too. I've ordered a testing kit with a few different tests to see if there is owt dodgy in them. Oh yeah and my pupils were still enormous until I went to bed. The pills seemed good it was the next day that was odd. I didn't feel rough though.
Fuck man dinosaur hands haha you know the drugs are working when you don't know what the fuck is going on. Sounds like a mix of half dream half conscious state that comes with sleep deprivation. I've done two 5am finishes this week and I know I going to feel fucked up for a week.

I don't rarely do that many e anymore as it depletes my serotonin bad these days. Makes me angry at the world. The blurred vision I get when I do too much Mandy. Ocular tension from the change in blood pressure after your hearts pumped so hard for hours. Eat sleep and exorcise, preferably sex haha.


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a sweetness to it that's really developed as she's cured.when u break the bud she's got that pungent deep sweet scent.even the gf likes the smell n she hates the smell of pot un less it's in the vape.
Next crop I'll sort u a taster


Well-Known Member
If I had taken 2 and a 1/2 I would still be wacky for another week.
I only did one full one. I did half and half a pretty mild come up/high so I did a full one and the other one I did in halves but twenty minutes after the last half i did two blue Valium so the last half was pointless as went to bed as I was coming up


Well-Known Member
Ahh speedballin'! dangerously good fun, you shoulda had em when you started.
What order would you suggest for dangerously good fun?
I've five Valium and four facebooks and two and a half silver bars but I'm leaving the silver ones alone after the whispering and dinosaur hands business lol
I've got a free night tomorrow and I fancy getting mangled indoors on me tod lol
V then E? E then V? Or together?
I was thinking one V then an E an hour later when I'm nice and relaxed and just let it wash over me.
My tolerance is still virtually zero and one Valium makes me nod off after an hour of doing nowt


Well-Known Member
I wasn't gonna bother drinking. If I drink on benzos I do fucked up stuff I can't remember lol. I'll wake up halfway up the stairs with one leg in my trousers covered in kebab with a black eye with my car outside with the drivers door wide open. That actually happened lol. I'll end up shaving my dog or something.
So I think it'll one n half blue vals and a whole facebook an hour later and then see what's left in the morning lol


Well-Known Member
Agreed mo. My hardcore days are long over. Working on some genuine Lucy though... For the right time ya Been like 20 yrs though. Love me the weed though. I only take benzos for anxiety... Lol. I hate them.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that sativa diva looking fine as hell Mo.

I need to get to grips and chop chop some of mine this weekend. meant to be going to see Ryan Lewis and Macklemore with my gf on friday night, think I'll be staying in trimming. or out drinking still 50/50 but i'm about 6 days straight with that so i think i'll stay in and trim lol


Well-Known Member
Dbxl6..she definitely prefers toppings as apposed to lst lol trying to keep my ggs smaller but I'm failing miserably lol atleast now I know to top her instead of lst but ill wait n see how she reacts after flip as last run she exploded in early flowering 20160421_123152_noexif.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
and I thought I was para about fires, digi ballast on a tile. still smart after seeing my last ones cable melted.

that looks grand lax, could do with thinning out the middle maybe, she's gonna need staking though I reckon