BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
Get round here I got plenty of ibuprofen and some other bits lol
I've got about a g n a half of proper which I'm not interested in since I've been given the E's lol its not been touched for well over a month maybe longer.
Once the pills have gone that'll be it for me for another few years. I don't want the "magic" to wear off.

Mo I got offered some acid a few weeks ago. It was on sugar cubes but I refused it. I don't think its my cup of tea these days. I used to love it though. Mushrooms are a different kettle of fish though. I've been to whole other dimensions on those and spoken without words to beings that were all knowing. Life changing experience. I don't think I am capable of coming back from that kind of thing unscathed nowadays though.


Well-Known Member
My stash box will be empty by Monday if not by six in the morning lol

The E is coming along nicely but I think the vals have blunted it a bit. I keep noticing that my eyes are closed lol I think I could sleep if I tried lol
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Well-Known Member
Use to skate myself lads but we'd no skate parks so was car parks for us.
Don dude try pushing down on the sore foot n twist ur ankle really violently...if it's not already fucked enough for propper pain killers from the docs it most certainly is now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Try some tunes and dancing Oscar haha

Lax, I cant bare moving I I'm literally writhing about in my pit trying to sleep and getting no where fast, I've a demonstration at a college at half 9 the morra. Tired as fuck but brains doin million miles an hour. Could murder a sleeper.


Well-Known Member
Dancing? im enjoying the relaxing.
Very much. My eyes maybe half shut but I definitely awake lol
I am currently sat on the downstairs bog having a spliff. I like having the gaff to myself lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha ok well just some music maybe. I haven't had a smoke in a week or so, trying not to dwell on shit. Place to yaself? Missus nightshift or away ?


Well-Known Member
Fucking Valium. Did another E about two ish and another val and I fell asleep ffs woke about half an hour ago gurning.


Well-Known Member
Missus nipped in to see me before work.
She took one look at me and said what the fuck have you been doing lol
I told her and she said at least you're doing it in private.
She can't say fuck all anyway. I did four E's and a load of sniff on our first date. Which I always remind her of that. I just say you knew who were getting involved with lol
She's never touched any drugs in her life. So the only point of reference she's got is me lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao you fuckin legend...get stuck in there n break out the sniff lol
I hadn't even thought of that. Good idea.
I've just done the other 1/3 of that E so when I get that coming up I might have a blast of proper. Trouble is I'm out for a meal at 6:30 with the inlaws at a gastro pub out in the sticks. If I start the sniff that'll be me useless until Monday. It's like Pringles for me lol once you pop you can't stop.

I think I've just worked out who you are.
Relax ain't it?