BC's Pineapple Cinderella-99 Seed Run

I'll try some lemon balm tea. Maybe I can drink some of that before I go to sleep instead of taking Xanax.
I just bought the plant before researching it.

It smelled good when I was looking at it, and that was my main deciding factor, then I came home and read all the cool stuff about it, lol.
Hey BC...you posted a pic of my girlfriend lol...she is just beautiful!
A word on the Lemon Balm...it is a wonderful herb with many great uses, but it will take over your whole garden if you aren't careful. It is part of the mint family of herbs. I'm not sure if it reseeds itself, or just sends new shoots up. I have noticed new shoots as far as 10 feet from where the original plant was. It will make good ground cover too.
dam sorry to learn that
hope your burdons get sorted soon

nutin i can do but send gluck and good karma yo way
an pray for a better day

stay up
yo mr bill a question how hard are the cloth pots at transplant time
someone told me you can just roll them down seems you would have to knife around them

gimme sumtin on that bro