Ok, if you follow the 10 tsp per 10 grams and add 1/4 cup extra coconut oil, it makes it a perfect 1 dose, measured by the 1/4 tsp. I am using this for a food line that is going to be coming out. We tested meals with 1 thru 4 doses and the 1 dosed meals were perfect. So if you want to make edibles that they will feel, but still be able to walk around and enjoy everything, the 1 dose recipe is perfect.
I don't really know the grades of hash, but I know with dry ice hash the longer you shake the more green you get. It is still good, it just might be a bit silty, but still potent as shit, and if you are going to be using it in edibles, the silt wont really matter. My hash caps are silty as hell, but they are potent as effff.
Everything is my favorite recipe lol

Let's see...I love cheesecake, there are so many different ones. My Orange Dream Bars are a favorite of my patients. Like a Lemon Bar but tastes like a creamsicle. I just entered it in a contest (non medicated lol) If you would like I could send you a few recipes.
You can find lecithin at any good grocery store with a health food section. I found mine at Raley's. I haven't been able to find the powder form, which is best for hash oil, but the granules work fine. I can pm you the exact way to make it if you want. I do kind of a long process, which I believe makes it more potent, but like most things, that is probably just in my head