Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
awsome fuckin thread... no its probably a weed bag, if you have to crawl to the plot how in the hell did that bag just end up blowing there... not likely.:spew: rippers make me sick, a good way to find out tho, hunting catalogues and stores have motion camaras you mount on trees, its for scouting deer but when it senses motion it snaps a pic, you can get ones that take up to three hundred pics and you can upload them all on your comp, the other good thing is theyre so small and comoflauged theyre practically invisible, and its worth it if it lets you sleep at nite:blsmoke: good luck and happy blazin


Well-Known Member
that is soooo awsome! thank you jesus, eddy as well, they are developing the swamp to the east of me only about half a mile away, but no houses as of yet, they just made roads and ploted the property lines, so there is occationally garbage that gets in the woods over there from all the construction. i was so sure that was just some wierd strain of weed, i am going to hope that it's just wind blown, i mean most rippers wouldn't be that dumb, and to find this place you gotta be a pro, i take a completely different path every time, sometimes going half a mile out of my way just to avoid making paths, though its much much easier to get to now that the swamp has completely dried up....


Well-Known Member
lol word on that one jesus3! what country are you from? doesn't seem like english is your native tounge...

anyway im going to be visiting them much more often now, im just going to have to be very creative about not leaving trails, but i want my babies to get as much water as they can. at this stage i am pretty sure i can max them out pretty well on water and nutes and just let them explode, the sun is at it's strongest and we have clear skies every day, with temps in the 80-90's and at least half of my girls are ready for full strength nutes. i don't have a long season so i want to try and get them as big as possible as fast as possible and to do that i need to optomize my growing conditions.

maybe later today ill go out and see if i can sex the first three plots of skunks, as they are the biggest and probably showing, i never even checked the past few trips so we will see, once they do sex, i want to move them to new spots as stealthily as i can, only one plant to a spot and spread them out as much as i can, to maximize the amount of baskets i have for my eggs, so to speak.

they will of course get the soil from the males, and later in the season i might cut the bags off completely and pack out more soil from my stash. last year i grew 6 females in the bags the dirt came in, unfortunatly i had 13 males, so i just cut the bags off the females and piled all the dirt from the males onto my few females and let them grow in these mounds of dirt sitting on a root block tarp. It's kinda funny, ive been using the same tarps for 3 seasons now, lol. anyways i plan to do that this year as well if i can get them pretty big it will definatly be worth the effort to cart in more soil.

im toying with the idea of eating some mushrooms tonight, but if i don't, i will most likely have pics of the babies, hopefully minus the males and blurryness.


well shit

i just spent most of today so far (a few hours atleast) smoking and reading this thread

very good so far, and thank god for that prolly not being weed

fucking ornamental grass... serious???

of all things to come in a half pound baggie... and be called blue mama.. thats coincidence if i've ever seen it

best of luck bean man!!!


Well-Known Member
well i read in on the stuff and apparently it is used to help controll erosion on construction sites and stuff, and also grows native all over the midwest. the grass i have to swim through every trip is much too tall to be blue grama though, wich only gets about 18 inches tall, mine is about 7 feet tall right now and dropping biggillions of seeds, i literally leave the swamp coated like a burger kind wopper bun, as i get pretty sweaty out there in the full sun and the seeds are nice and dry.


Well-Known Member
my first language is Latvian,English i learn in my self right now.:peace: be careful you get water to your spot,in some jars?thats is a f...k hard plants i leave in mother nature hands just sometimes i give them some nuts.and they looks good.we have rain 2-3 times a week i hope its enought for them.and good trip on your shrooms.:mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah i just stick 3 gallon milk jugs into my pack and haul them out there, not super fun with flys buzzing around and the humidity and all but it works/


Well-Known Member
well a sad day for beaner, i took my long way to the plants today, instead of my new shortcut, and found that most of my plots were gone, just piles of dirt and roots on tarps, the fences, plants and bags were all gone, i searched all over, whoever took them had to have pulled the plants by the roots, then taken all the stuff out with them, and it must have been right after i last came because the rain had erased all trace of a trail. i was to paranoid to check my new plots accross the river/ditch, but on this side only two plots got through undetected, both were roadtrip plots. I guess they must have had some good karma.anyways i took the fences and hucked them and took all the plants by the bag handles and (quite easily i might add)moved them all about a hundred yards away into the grass field and scattered them about 50 feet apart all over the field, i didn't have time for much more and im kinda freaked out about it so i didn't stick around to make small fences or anything, though the land is so lush here i don't think ill have much of a problem.

being that the stuff was all taken with, and the plants pulled by the roots, i know this because i searched the balls of dirt and the main root balls were gone as well as no cut stems remaining. this sounds like the work of leo, but of the three they got they missed two plots that were pretty close to the others so it might have just been pissed off contractor guys from the construction sight that saw me sneak in there.

im reletively sure they didn't see me from the other side, still no signs of any humans over there.

so here is my plan.... im still not sure how long im going to wait but if weather permits about 2 weeks to throw off the fuzz...hehe

then im going to sneak back out there from my safe entrence and find a nice clearing where they can go in ground, and dig deap holes amend, and transplant them, the grass is super tall all over, but it's for the most part at the end of it's life cycle i think, the seeds have all fallen, and it will yellow and die soon, i need to find a place where i can plant them and forget them for a while, at least till the first of august but ill have to ask fdd2blk about exactly when the males tend to flower. if the other plots on the other side are ok ill do that same plan over and over. but this first trip im concentrating on my lovely roadtrips, also i need to get everything i brought in, all the watering jugs out, and conceal all evedence of my being there. I have pics of the remains and the two plots ill put them up later.


Well-Known Member

that sucks it has to be the gov because who else would make sure to get all of the roots???

pics please

so how many plants were lost?

how many plants left?


and this seemed to be a pretty secluded space!!!
i'm so sorry for the losss
but thank god they didn't get it all

best of luck with the rest of the grow!!!


Well-Known Member

That is freaky.
Bet you had to do the double check or blink to make sure you were seeing the shit right.

I quess that is a liability with growing outside on other peopls property.

It is strange about the roots. Does sound like Leo.
Sounds like they were trying to completely remove them there evil plants.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
wow man...... i'm sorry.... if i get some nice bud off these plants, then ill give you some

much love fellow midwesterner
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