Bear’s Kitchen: a T&T foodie thread

I like the Beaver. :shock:

I worked at Beaver foods years ago. I got a blister on my thumb tightening lids on jars. This was way back in the 80's. As teenagers we used to climb into these big wooden bins that horseradish root came in and get stoned. The company started in Beaverton Oregon. Reser's fine foods as well. Resers had a meat smoking facility and we used to go in the middle of the night and get into the trucks and take boxes of pepperoni and beef jerky. A few blocks away was Grandma's cookies and we'd get into trucks there and grab boxes of cookies and other goodies. There was also a vending machine operator and they had trucks full of candy. We were some well fed hooligans back in the day. When we got older we graduated to the refrigerated train cars full of kegs just down the railroad tracks at a beer distributor. Good times.
I worked at Beaver foods years ago. I got a blister on my thumb tightening lids on jars. This was way back in the 80's. As teenagers we used to climb into these big wooden bins that horseradish root came in and get stoned. The company started in Beaverton Oregon. Reser's fine foods as well. Resers had a meat smoking facility and we used to go in the middle of the night and get into the trucks and take boxes of pepperoni and beef jerky. A few blocks away was Grandma's cookies and we'd get into trucks there and grab boxes of cookies and other goodies. There was also a vending machine operator and they had trucks full of candy. We were some well fed hooligans back in the day. When we got older we graduated to the refrigerated train cars full of kegs just down the railroad tracks at a beer distributor. Good times.
I have a couple friends that found a semi trailer full of Michelob that was unlocked. They made 3 trips with a Karmen Ghia stealing cases. They hid them all in a bomb shelter under one of their houses. There was a liquor store about 1/4 mile away that gave away free ice, so we'd load up a trash can with bottles and ice. When the beer started looking sparse we would go grab another case.
When we moved last year, sold our Alaskan home & bought a much nicer home here. Paid off this one & had 200k left over.

: )
I called the bank the other day for pay off. It's good until 2/1 and "If God's willing and the creek don't rise", we'll be done with that. Going to take a few months after that and keep finishing some of the stuff we need done and considering moving. We'll see.
Yeah I was looking at Lompoc, there's some gorgeous area there but I was born and raised in OC and I miss being close to Disneyland (of all things). So I'm considering North Tustin where I could Uber to good medical care, Disneyland, Crab Cooker and Claro's although I would be an hour from a commissary.
Isn't there a commissary at Pendleton? That's only 40 min
Isn't there a commissary at Pendleton? That's only 40 min
Yes there's a decent one and BX but it's really an hour with traffic. Almost equal time to drive to March, it's a tough choice too. There's a lot more people there than I like.

The LA basin IS Disneyland...
Not the land I like. I prefer Fantasyland and Tomorrowland not Deathland.
Yeah and have to drive an hour to hook up with the Surfliner for a ride to Encinitas. That's why I may just stay where I am.
The Surfliner picks up at surf beach in Lompoc. It’s like a 10 minute drive from downtown.

That being said, @Singlemalt is correct, Lompoc isn’t great, but the Santa Ynez area is super nice. And fairly close to Santa Barbara. I love that whole lake Cachuma corridor along the 154
The Surfliner picks up at surf beach in Lompoc. It’s like a 10 minute drive from downtown.

That being said, @Singlemalt is correct, Lompoc isn’t great, but the Santa Ynez area is super nice. And fairly close to Santa Barbara. I love that whole lake Cachuma corridor along the 154
Solvang, ebelskivers.

There was the bar under the bridge all the bikers used to ride to, don't remember the name of the place. Cool old building.
Windy and cold up here in Michigan today, just got done snow blowing my driveway. In the mood for some comfort food so having a grilled cheese and bowl of tomato soup for lunch

Here's a snack I had in my truck, I forgot I even had these in there. I know these are terrible for you , I only eat one at a time but they're so damn good lol.
Cherry cheese Danish and coffee
Had to skip breakfast this morning. Finished frying some potatoes and making a couple eggs for the lady. I then went to make a couple fried eggs for myself and was horrified to find this. Instant appetite suppressor.
