
My favorite was in the RHIB just off the beach - probably around 1/2 mile from the pad itself. It was like being in the middle of the most intense non-stop lightning storm ever & you could feel it thundering in your thorax.

Once had an all black Huey bounce up over the berm right on top of us bristling with door gunners - they scared the living shit out of us, thank God they realized who we were.

I've fished near Cape Canaveral, they take security very seriously. Great inshore/nearnshore fishing but don't get to close .
Look how close together those are, and they trimmed the lowers. I doubt they called it "lollypoping" back then. Lol
that might be hemp, when i lived in Fargo back in the 90s there was a huge field of hemp out past the airport. if you drove out the access road you could sit in the middle of this huge field of nice looking plants that wouldn't do a damn thing but give you a headache and a sore throat if you smoked it. took a few chicks out there, they freaked the fuck out till i told them it wasn't any good. must have been a good ten acres. think it was the remnants of a research farm the college had back in the 50s and 60s