Been Busted? Raided? Caught? Or got away on a Close Call? Share your stories thread-

the whole thing is kinda crazy... almost unbelievable really... I have so many things I was going to cross for chuck seeds to pass out, so I really don't want to chop anything if I can help it... i can move everything if I have to, but it would be a hassle. And on top of it all, he says he's already taken video from his cell... if I clear everything out, I don't think that would matter, but I don't know... like I said, he works at a law firm, so he is probably friends with other lawyers and judges... maybe i'll try to talk with the guy... it's hard though, because he is so fucking arrogant... for somebody to just trespass on someone else's land and demand that they grant them access so that they have a trail for their horses is crazy... honestly I want to threaten him, but I know that would end badly for me... no way in hell i'm signing over any of my property rights though. back in the day some people would have planted him for this shit... about 6 feet down.
You need to consult with a criminal defense attorney in your area. You need to describe how the guy got the evidence, what he plans to do with it and what you can do to mitigate your risk. I would get rid of the extra plants immediately if it were me.

Good luck on this
Yes you must have taken a plea deal. If you would have taken it to trial they would have no evidence. You got screwed and your attorney sucks big time. Should never even been charged. In Michigan anyway they can't arrest you until it's proven to have THC at the lab. When I got busted in the story above they didn't arrest me for a month later.
the whole thing is kinda crazy... almost unbelievable really... I have so many things I was going to cross for chuck seeds to pass out, so I really don't want to chop anything if I can help it... i can move everything if I have to, but it would be a hassle. And on top of it all, he says he's already taken video from his cell... if I clear everything out, I don't think that would matter, but I don't know... like I said, he works at a law firm, so he is probably friends with other lawyers and judges... maybe i'll try to talk with the guy... it's hard though, because he is so fucking arrogant... for somebody to just trespass on someone else's land and demand that they grant them access so that they have a trail for their horses is crazy... honestly I want to threaten him, but I know that would end badly for me... no way in hell i'm signing over any of my property rights though. back in the day some people would have planted him for this shit... about 6 feet down.
Dig some 'gopher holes' where he wants to ride his horse.
thanks for the support. Realistically, I really can't touch him at all... not without serious consequences... i'll move everything to a buddy's place then tell him to do his worst and see how it goes... If there's nothing there, even if he does have video, it can't be that bad... and if it is, then maybe somebody will have tune him up.
first of all he illegally trespassed on your land to take those pictures. second of all he is blackmailing you which is also illegal , third of all if anyone ever came at me sideways like that dude would be in the hosptial and i would be in jail props to you for keeping your cool. you can make his living situation so awful that he has to move out. (:
thanks for the support. Realistically, I really can't touch him at all... not without serious consequences... i'll move everything to a buddy's place then tell him to do his worst and see how it goes... If there's nothing there, even if he does have video, it can't be that bad... and if it is, then maybe somebody will have tune him up.
Actually turn this around on him.
That is blackmail to the definition. Remove any overage and report to the police how you are being threatened on your property and how you fear for your life. Stress this point As well make sure to go to a lawyer and say I need help. This is what is happening. Many may offer services free for the exposure. Go and post no trespassing signs on your property so that way you have made it clear to all no entry allowed. This is important. Take a few photos of where they are and say they have been there a long time. He would have to prove otherwise unless there is a date on them.
Just because he works in a law office does not make him smart or connected or friends with judges. From what you have said he is neither. Don’t get bullied stand up and he will lose his job at the least.
If you have the balls go to his workplace and speak to his boss and ask him how you would like this handled. And let him know how this person name dropped his law office. They don’t want any crap. Should be resolved. If they dont listen suggest how you will take to the local paper/radio station as it would make great headlines. These are Simple things to do to let you stand up agains pieces of shit. Don’t be bullied. Bite back. Wish I was closer as I live taking on this type of crap and putting wannabes in place.

Just re read my post. I am not suggesting you don’t have the balls to go to his work. I mean if you can handle it, do it. If not go the other routes. I wish you best of luck and keep us updated. Cheers my friend.
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Yes you must have taken a plea deal. If you would have taken it to trial they would have no evidence. You got screwed and your attorney sucks big time. Should never even been charged. In Michigan anyway they can't arrest you until it's proven to have THC at the lab. When I got busted in the story above they didn't arrest me for a month later.
I havent even been to court yet thats on the 1st of August but the officer never field tested it and im pretty sure he didnt even bag the roach for pretty sure i can get the case dropped
I had some close calls in the past but a few things saved me 1) nothing under my name 2)burn phones 3)tell nobody.

Close call caused by classic stupid mistake, letting somebody run a tab and I let it get too high. What is chump change for you might be huge for somebody else. All I had to do was get rid of my bong for a few weeks
I havent even been to court yet thats on the 1st of August but the officer never field tested it and im pretty sure he didnt even bag the roach for pretty sure i can get the case dropped

Without question. They'll offer you the lowest charge hoping you'll take it. Tell them or your attorney you want to proceed to pretrial where they must produce the evidence that has been lab tested to prove it contains THC. Once again no evidence no case.

A roach damn what state do you live in?
Without question. They'll offer you the lowest charge hoping you'll take it. Tell them or your attorney you want to proceed to pretrial where they must produce the evidence that has been lab tested to prove it contains THC. Once again no evidence no case.

A roach damn what state do you live in?
All this took place in Oklahoma, united states...where cannabis is medicaly legal as well as CBD...
I havent even been to court yet thats on the 1st of August but the officer never field tested it and im pretty sure he didnt even bag the roach for pretty sure i can get the case dropped

If the cop has no proof via a test it's marijuana, you should be in good shape.

Also, if the cop didn't save the roach, he destroyed evidence.

You don't have to take the witness stand either, but you should question the cop on the stand.
You don't have to take the witness stand either, but you should question the cop on the stand.[/QUOTE]

It won't ever get that far.
Do you have an attorney? At pre trial if there not able to show the evidence it has to be thrown out. They will make a very tempting offer, the lowest charge but don't take it. In Michigan it was usage.$210 fine and lose of drivers license for 6 months restricted after 30 days. Make them show the lab tested evidence. If they do produce the roach tested and says it contains THC you wanna take the offer. If you have a court appointed attorney they will push the reduced charge hard. Especially if the prosecutor has no evidence. Don't let them scare you into it. If your taken this on yourself tell them It was CBD and you wanna see the lab tested evidence. In Michigan it only has to contain 3% THC. Well used to we're legal
It may be helpful to print out and become familiar with a current copy of your state's court rules. I've seen cops who didn't follow court rules, filing date cutoffs, etc. lose cases. Same with the pertinent law, cops often don't understand the language in the laws and will write the complaint form erroneously or cite the wrong law when you're charged.

If the judge wants the cops to win, you'll know when the judge bends the rules to accommodate the cops / prosecutors. They will say this is "in the interest of justice" or something like that.

Even if the judge is a douche (they all are), try not to piss him/her off. They're human beings and subject to making emotional decisions. If they respect you, they may interpret things in your favor.

Find out how to preserve things for appeal too, if they sense you may appeal in the event you lose a lower court trial, they may not want to pursue it.