Been lurking for years. Now its time to build.

I would move towards the strips. All are Constant Current so any drivers you get mostly 1050B style are reusable anyway. Go cheaper and if it does not work out you just have to replace the light engine not the whole system.

What strips you liking? I got a fair enough budget for half a light. At around 600 canadian. Was looking at the f series strips by samsung. The ebstrips being less efficiant and probably have a snaller lifespan (i do plan on building a better light when fund approve) are half the price of the cheapest f series. So i can get many more. I can also buy the smaller samsung strips and just use good cookie sheets with a fan (if i run them hard)

Im gettin them from if anyone wants to look at the choices i have:)
The EB series do not have a shorter life span and will grow just as well as the F series. They simply use a bit more energy to produce the same photon output. The metal supermarket I linked earlier in your thread will cut aluminum sheet of whatever thickness and size/shape you want and it's cheap.
The EB series do not have a shorter life span and will grow just as well as the F series. They simply use a bit more energy to produce the same photon output. The metal supermarket I linked earlier in your thread will cut aluminum sheet of whatever thickness and size/shape you want and it's cheap.
Oh i see. Bridgelux has stepped up their game. Well i feel what i save with the eb strips ill have to spend on more driversXD so either way its about the same price.

I chexked the site. Shipped from edmonton 25 pieces of 24 inch aluminum bar at 1nch width costs about 143. Not bad at all. I wonder if my local welding company can get the stuff in for cheaper. Probably will be too thick though.


I check with my local metal recycling guy. Sometimes he has nice material cheep.

I think the Quantum Board people are using the Samsung strips. They have cool DIY kits all ready to go.


I check with my local metal recycling guy. Sometimes he has nice material cheep.

I think the Quantum Board people are using the Samsung strips. They have cool DIY kits all ready to go.

I like the quantum boards. But 75 usd is 100 canadian. Id only get 4 boards. I can buy more strips. Plus kits usualy cost more then everything seperate. The qbs are just samsung strips in a board for a little extra. Not to mention hard to get because they are always out of stockXD
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Oh i see. Bridgelux has stepped up their game. Well i feel what i save with the eb strips ill have to spend on more driversXD so either way its about the same price.

I chexked the site. Shipped from edmonton 25 pieces of 24 inch aluminum bar at 1nch width costs about 143. Not bad at all. I wonder if my local welding company can get the stuff in for cheaper. Probably will be too thick though.

The F series and EB's use about the same voltage and require basically the same drivers. The F series 2' strip costs $35, an EB costs $10. If you buy 10 strips it costs $250 more to get the F series. They both require the same drivers. The only bonus to the F series is that over the course of several (or many depending on how you use them) years you will gain that $250 back in electrical savings.
What strips you liking? I got a fair enough budget for half a light. At around 600 canadian. Was looking at the f series strips by samsung. The ebstrips being less efficiant and probably have a snaller lifespan (i do plan on building a better light when fund approve) are half the price of the cheapest f series. So i can get many more. I can also buy the smaller samsung strips and just use good cookie sheets with a fan (if i run them hard)

Im gettin them from if anyone wants to look at the choices i have:)
I like the flexible Samsung strips. You can custom order what spectrums you want. I use 5000k 80cri and 3000k 90cri. They generate ppfd around 200ppfd and above in the first 12" of light falls off fast. I decided to design a pcb using Samsung 5000k and 3000k on two channels at a much higher density generating a 1000ppfd at 6" to 12" and above
The F series and EB's use about the same voltage and require basically the same drivers. The F series 2' strip costs $35, an EB costs $10. If you buy 10 strips it costs $250 more to get the F series. They both require the same drivers. The only bonus to the F series is that over the course of several (or many depending on how you use them) years you will gain that $250 back in electrical savings.

hi there
Samsung f siries ,4 feet singel raw are 171 lm/w 3500k at 51 w. i buy them from digikey,25 for 20$ each.
eb's(4 feet) are 156 lm/w at 60w.if you drive them at 30w they will be 171~ lm/w (10% more light) ,and they cost the same(19$).
So for now i think samsung is the winner at cost and efficacy.
pleas correct my if im wrong
thank's :peace:
hi there
Samsung f siries ,4 feet singel raw are 171 lm/w 3500k at 51 w. i buy them from digikey,25 for 20$ each.
eb's(4 feet) are 156 lm/w at 60w.if you drive them at 30w they will be 171~ lm/w (10% more light) ,and they cost the same(19$).
So for now i think samsung is the winner at cost and efficacy.
pleas correct my if im wrong
thank's :peace:

I'm not sure where you live but in Canada, the 4 foot F series are $35. The 4 foot EB series are $19.72(my mistake earlier of saying $10, that's the 2 foot version). So almost double the cost for the F series. If you buy 10 they drop the price to about $32 per strip I believe. So $320 for 10 F series or $197 for 10 EB's. It would take you a long long time to make up that money just from slightly better efficiency. If you had a 20 strip build that means making up $250 in electrical savings.
I'm not sure where you live but in Canada, the 4 foot F series are $35. The 4 foot EB series are $19.72(my mistake earlier of saying $10, that's the 2 foot version). So almost double the cost for the F series. If you buy 10 they drop the price to about $32 per strip I believe. So $320 for 10 F series or $197 for 10 EB's. It would take you a long long time to make up that money just from slightly better efficiency. If you had a 20 strip build that means making up $250 in electrical savings.

hi there
digikey ship free worldwide for orders more than 100$.

i live on the other side of the planet and free shipping from the us is very good for my
thank's :peace::bigjoint:
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Does digikey have different price in the us and canada?
the link i posted says 25 strips for 20$ each and free shipping over 100$

Right, $20.50usd per strip. That's probably very close to the $27.50cad per strip after the exchange rate. Not many small growers will order 25 strips though, especially F series. Just the cost of the strips are more than the OP's budget for the entire light.
Right, $20.50usd per strip. That's probably very close to the $27.50cad per strip after the exchange rate. Not many small growers will order 25 strips though, especially F series. Just the cost of the strips are more than the OP's budget for the entire light.

Yes,true for small growers,but than they should grow
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I can get like 30 eb strips and save like 80 bucks for drivers. Im kind of leaning on the eb strips. Maybe ill grab a few samsung strips for a seedling light and see how i like em.
It's basically the same price for 12 of the 1120mm F series and 12 are easier to fit on 2 drivers than 25 560mm unless you're wiring in parallel.
Well. The size is an inch. And its 8ft long. Only aluminum i can find that is flat. Heatsink usa could work living in canada shipping sucks.
Yes steel sucks.

Go online and look for metal suppliers or fab shops near you. I picked up 12 feet of t6 1" angle aluminum for under $50
Go online and look for metal suppliers or fab shops near you. I picked up 12 feet of t6 1" angle aluminum for under $50

Is that a good price? Was looking at Princess Auto and they have a bunch of different Aluminum angle for around the $20 mark for 8 feet

edit- checked online... the 3/4 is $20 for 8' and the 1 inch is $24
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