Believe it or not! Exodus Cheese, and friends.....


Well-Known Member
I germinated 10 seeds on 4/01/12, 8 fems: Super Bud, Exodus Cheese, Kalashnikova, and 5 Fast Nevilles. 2 regs: TH S.A.G.E. The Super Bud and Kalashnikova were very weak, needed help removing the seed shell, and when they finally "hatched", they each had 3 cotyledons, and have been very slow growers, but...the others have grown faster than any seedlings I have ever grown. I am using cfls during the night and putting the outside during the day and they are loving it!363.jpg364.jpg382.jpg380.jpg


Well-Known Member
The first 2 pics are of all the seedlings, and the last two are the biggest, Exodus Cheese, and my little runt Super Bud. They are 7 days old today.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks! I am going to put them under the lights at night as long as they will fit in the area, then I will put them outside full time. It gets too hot for them inside during the day. This is my very basic cfl setup...don't laugh!361.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's Sista, not Brotha! I think ur from my neck of the woods u do anything outdoors?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
Well I'm sorry ma'am lol and nope nothing more than a few plant and forgets but I like indoor. I used to have a english bull but he died of a heart attack:(


Active Member
Looks good sista! Im sub'd... Please check out my grow "Allow me to introduce myself"!!! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!


Well-Known Member
If it works why not. You may have thought about it already, but a little fan blowing over those plants when they are under the lights will help a great deal. No hurricane wind, just a gentle breeze.
Peace, DST

Thanks! I am going to put them under the lights at night as long as they will fit in the area, then I will put them outside full time. It gets too hot for them inside during the day. This is my very basic cfl setup...don't laugh!View attachment 2112705


Well-Known Member
I have a little fan for exhaust, but you're right I probably need to get another, but they've been getting some pretty good breezes outdoors during the day; it's been very windy here. Do you think that would be enough? Budget is pretty tight...


Well-Known Member
I gave them a weak solution of fish emulsion today since they needed water. I can't believe how much they are growing. Even the Kalashnikova and Super Bud are looking pretty good, definitely gonna make it. When they first came out of the seed they didn't even have roots, just little blunt stubs and no color, just white. It's amazing how they have recovered. I just shoved their little stubs into the dirt and stood them up. I guess that was all they needed, because even tho they are small they look pretty healthy now. The Kalash has reverted to two leaves and the little Super Bud has 3 first leaves. They both germinated with 3 cotyledons. I have had that happen pretty often, probably about 15% of fem seeds. I have one that is flowering now. I call it my little freak. It is slightly smaller than the others of the same age, but I babied it and it is going to give me a decent yield. I have read on this site and others that these triploids usually turn out to be male, but so far all mine have luckily been female, just a little weird. On a side note, I received my order from Attitude today. I can't believe it got here so fast. I ordered on 4/2 and it is here already. I got 10 Sweet Deep Grapefruit, and a bunch of freebies!


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine as they are, just make sure they don't get too hot at the top.

I have a little fan for exhaust, but you're right I probably need to get another, but they've been getting some pretty good breezes outdoors during the day; it's been very windy here. Do you think that would be enough? Budget is pretty tight...


Well-Known Member
Luckily temps at night when they are inside are mid 60's so it's staying around 80 on top which doesn't seem to bother them. Hubby broke 2 of my 42w the other day working on my set up. I ordered replacements and they sent me 65w. I am thinking about mounting them sideways since they are so long. What do you think? Also, I have a feeling that heat is going to be more of an issue with them.


Well-Known Member
Naughty husband!!!! Vertical or horizontal mounting should be good, as long as you have decent reflection. The 65w will increase temps but you can keep an eye on them and if they look a bit stressed from the heat, simples, move the 65w's further away. I think you'll be good at 80-ish though. Seedlings are a bit sturdier than clones so can take a bit of a bashing.

peace, DST