bernie and jane are lawyering up!

I wonder if we'll see some new arguments or if we'll keep seeing the tired ass "my work pays for your life" bullshit from the dumpster fire known as Trump's support crowd. Now that we all know that TAXES DO NOT FUND FEDERAL SPENDING, I wonder who will actually do their homework. I must be one of the very few around here who actually made it to the advanced economics classes.
I wonder if we'll see some new arguments or if we'll keep seeing the tired ass "my work pays for your life" bullshit from the dumpster fire known as Trump's support crowd. Now that we all know that TAXES DO NOT FUND FEDERAL SPENDING, I wonder who will actually do their homework. I must be one of the very few around here who actually made it to the advanced economics classes.
It's more that just reading a book, too. Time and work spent in the lecture and course work gives much larger exposure to ideas and ability to test them. Twostroke has the problem of the overconfident amateur. He might have read a book, maybe two and now thinks he's an expert. He has no idea of what he doesn't know. He knows enough to be dangerous. Or look stupid or both.

His beliefs regarding day trading silver, for example.
That's what you did.

What makes you think everybody else is as bad at money as you?

Libertarian has nothing to do with the shit you talk about.

nope. my loan wasn't insured by the government. they hounded me for months after closing about signing that paperwork. sent packets in the mail ect...i had to meet the lawyer 3 times to close because they kept fucking up the paperwork, after closing I threw all the shit they sent me in the fire pit.

you're welcome.
because no one bringing home a mere $20k a year for a family of four is paying taxes, they are getting them all back and then some, plus free healthcare, food, heating assistance, and the like.

or are you a liar and you were just lying?

quote that, that I currently being home 20k per year. bet your account that you can quote twostrokenut saying that, bet you wont.
It's more that just reading a book, too. Time and work spent in the lecture and course work gives much larger exposure to ideas and ability to test them. Twostroke has the problem of the overconfident amateur. He might have read a book, maybe two and now thinks he's an expert. He has no idea of what he doesn't know. He knows enough to be dangerous. Or look stupid or both.

His beliefs regarding day trading silver, for example.

do beleive in "day trading" metals? I've been sitting on metals for decades.
What are you, 5? And, you pay the government. The government pays me. Because I did shit while you sat in your trailer. They tax my income, as well.

the government prints to pay you. actually they deposit bonds in equal amounts of what they want printed. its as stupid as taxing your salary. both things are quite redundant and only serve as a smoke screen to instill full Faith and credit.

but I do realize insults suit your character much more gooder than say... discussing actual issues that affect the Americans you laid your life down for.