bernie and jane are lawyering up!

the government prints to pay you. actually they deposit bonds in equal amounts of what they want printed. its as stupid as taxing your salary. both things are quite redundant and only serve as a smoke screen to instill full Faith and credit.

but I do realize insults suit your character much more gooder than say... discussing actual issues that affect the Americans you laid your life down for.

reading something from a self proclaimed expert who doesn't know much is a waste of time. And, like a bad comedian, it might be briefly funny but is quickly boring. You should consider just one word stuff like @kelly4 does. At least he doesn't presume it's important and worth reading.

reading something from a self proclaimed expert who doesn't know much is a waste of time. And, like a bad comedian, it might be briefly funny but is quickly boring. You should consider just one word stuff like @kelly4 does. At least he doesn't presume it's important and worth reading.
you make it so complicated on purpose don't you? do you not know why the 300 million us notes Lincoln printed still reside in title 31? if you have any change laying around does any of it say federal reserve token on it?

we have a big, bulky one dollar coin...why not a ten dollar coin the size of a dime?

what amount of tax can be paid with a silver eagle?

everyone is waking up, better hurry up and eliminate cash, it's the only way to continue peddling your bullcrap theories.
should be easy to link that quote then, but here we are with no quote, yet again. boring dude.

jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall

the best part is where you try to blame others for the fact that you couldn't even make your mortgage payment.
you make it so complicated on purpose don't you? do you not know why the 300 million us notes Lincoln printed still reside in title 31? if you have any change laying around does any of it say federal reserve token on it?

we have a big, bulky one dollar coin...why not a ten dollar coin the size of a dime?

what amount of tax can be paid with a silver eagle?

everyone is waking up, better hurry up and eliminate cash, it's the only way to continue peddling your bullcrap theories.

jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall

the best part is where you try to blame others for the fact that you couldn't even make your mortgage payment.

that's not a quote andy, it's just a troll post.
i haven't commented on youtube since about 2008. you are a sham andrew.

so it was some other jhonnybravosc that made those youtube comments, and also posted youtube videos of his family and his vehicles (including license plates, thanks for that identifying info), and also posted those youtube videos to a goldwing forum under the moniker "twostrokenut", who claimed to be a transplant from south carolina to california and lived in atrailer, and who deleted those youtube videos and goldwing forum comments the very same day i dug them up and doxxed you?

so it was some other jhonnybravosc that made those youtube comments, and also posted youtube videos of his family and his vehicles (including license plates, thanks for that identifying info), and also posted those youtube videos to a goldwing forum under the moniker "twostrokenut", who claimed to be a transplant from south carolina to california and lived in atrailer, and who deleted those youtube videos and goldwing forum comments the very same day i dug them up and doxxed you?


broken record. oh so you doxxed me again now?

post my middle name then. you have my permission. then I post yours

inb4 I'm not allowed to (because you are full of shit)
broken record. oh so you doxxed me again now?

post my middle name then. you have my permission. then I post yours

inb4 I'm not allowed to (because you are full of shit)

just check out the dates on these!

total coincidence i am sure.

Screenshot 2017-07-30 at 1.36.54 PM.png Screenshot 2017-07-30 at 1.36.21 PM.png

your plate numbers gave me all of your information, cuck.

have fun raising someone else's kid, cuck.
the best part of this video was where your chunky fiancee/gf/common law wife (because you can't afford a wedding ceremony or rings) filmed your plate numbers as you rode off.

Screenshot 2017-07-30 at 1.41.48 PM.png
well looks like you got it all figured out LOL.

why then can't you quote me saying I bring home 20 grand like you claim you can and why don't you seem to be able to post my middle name as I asked you to?

why can't you confirm a date on youtube that I refuted and instead jump to something entirely different?

i am Jewish now too in case you didn't know so I don't really appreciate the antisemitism.
why then can't you quote me saying I bring home 20 grand

oh, you must have missed it. here it is again:

jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall
oh, you must have missed it. here it is again:

jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall

again, not a quote. just a post by you.

must have been some other jhonnybravosc who likes vaping and sorting pennies. because those things definitely do not interest you at all.

View attachment 3987185

so this is the extent of your big doxx?

el oh el.
you made that post and i just copied and pasted it, jhonnybravosc.

all you do is make up shit. it's not even clever. trailer this, racist that. simply because I called you out on your bullshit.

you said I'm wealthy bla bla poorshame some cucks I'm rich look at my home value.

i asked, if you have so much money why do you have a mortgage on your only median priced home?

so that 10k bet you touted all before the election, you would have had to withdraw at a 40% penalty as well reckon.
all you do is make up shit. it's not even clever. trailer this, racist that. simply because I called you out on your bullshit.

you said I'm wealthy bla bla poorshame some cucks I'm rich look at my home value.

i asked, if you have so much money why do you have a mortgage on your only median priced home?

so that 10k bet you touted all before the election, you would have had to withdraw at a 40% penalty as well reckon.

so it was some other jhonnybravosc who suddenly deleted all his youtube and ngw forum videos (under the name of twostrokenut, LOL) on that same day. got it.
oh wives now? so you think you saw mine on youtube (you didnt) in a trailer (it wasnt) with my cuck kid (negative) and i was just reading that yours lived away from you and told you to fuck other people.

so you videotaped some other guy's kid? that seems odd.