bernie and jane are lawyering up!


here you are saying jane is headed to prison because of an investigation and hiring a lawyer.

yet trump, pence, sessions, kushner, manafort, flynn, stone, page, & cohen lawyer up while under investigation by the team that took down nixon, enron, and the mob, it is a "witch hunt", a phrase you repeat verbatim from trump himself.


goddamn two-faced fucking stooge. even a fucking retard like you has to notice that glaring doube standard, right?

i mean, you can see the double standard, right?

You know that bitch done wrong. It's all on her. They don't invite you to court for a good thing. Of course she's innocent until the court sticks it elbow deep up her ass.

"I love Bernie. Bernie Loves me. We're all a big happy family". -Dino
You know that bitch done wrong. It's all on her. They don't invite you to court for a good thing. Of course she's innocent until the court sticks it elbow deep up her ass.

"I love Bernie. Bernie Loves me. We're all a big happy family". -Dino

The same liberal courts that let Hillary off, will let Jane off too. Her and Hillary will then likely be placed on Donnie's jury... he's so fucked.
The Left is fucking ridiculous. I said nothing about Trump, fuck why not blame Bush!
Bernie is a fraud as is the left.

Squirrel!!!----I mean Trump.
Hey, smegma face,

Nothing is proven for any of this yet. So it's all just political chatter. What's significant in the chatter is how quiet trumptards are about the clear benefits financial that Trump receives from being prez . He promised to forego his president's salary while in office. LOL. I don't think he wanted to have that lowly salary ever shown next to his name. Besides, the copyrights issue in China that just went away a couple of months ago is worth hundreds of millions to him. So, by foregoing his salary, he can claim the moral high ground somewhere near the monument to the people who never died in the Bowling Green Massacre.

An investigation into Bernie's affairs with the whiff of a few hundo thou of illegal gains draws a horde of right wing shitheads such as you like flies to a fresh dog turd.
why is the heavy duty investigation team assembled by mueller focusing on trump and his entire administration then?

why are the same lawyers who took down nixon, enron, and the mafia focused on trump and his associates?

are you really this retarded? brainwashed? a bot?

Dude, Nixon is dead and if I was a robot. You'd be in some trouble. A libertarian programmed AI. That wouldn't buy your constant racist calling bullshit.

Better hope I'm not a robot.
Well....not the kind of retarded that gets caught doing bank fraud.

Do you think Bernie is disappointed?

so because there is an investigation and she lawyered up she is guilty of the thing she is accused of?

is that what you are going with now, retard?
so because there is an investigation and she lawyered up she is guilty of the thing she is accused of?

is that what you are going with now, retard?

We both know she'll get off with a light slap. She's Bernies wife and has the money. If it was you or I up against the same court. We'd be fucked. Federal prison for decades.

No worries. The bitch will walk. Why? Cause she and Bernie can afford it.
We both know she'll get off with a light slap. She's Bernies wife and has the money. If it was you or I up against the same court. We'd be fucked. Federal prison for decades.

No worries. The bitch will walk. Why? Cause she and Bernie can afford it.

so is trump and his entire team gonna be able to buy their way out of the investigation being conducted by robert mueller and a team of lawyers who took down nixon, enron, and the mob?

enron and the mob and nixon all had a lot of money and didn't get away with shit.
Why won't you call out Clinton? Her meddling, her corruption. Her emails hacked by Lucifer and NOT Russia. Her constant lying.

You blame the other guy voted in by the other side for your problems. Gotdammit, Don't you understand Hillary fucked you? You were played.

If using Trump as an excuse brings you comfort. Your world is shrinking.
"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" - james comey, whose dick is much bigger than yours.

you are a two-faced little rat bitch coward.

That's the same Comey without a job right? POS should have shut it all down when Bill visited the plane of the Attorney General of The United States Of America. He decided dumb and played a bitch.

You're still not calling out Hillary. How's her a$$ taste?
That's the same Comey without a job right? POS should have shut it all down when Bill visited the plane of the Attorney General of The United States Of America. He decided dumb and played a bitch.

the AG recused herself and left the decision up to comey at the mere appearance of impropriety. that was the right thing to do.

trump spoke to comey in complete privacy and secrecy 9 fucking times in 3 months and then fired him, admitting that it was because he was scared of the investigation. you're still not calling out trump for any of that.

how does his ass taste, you two faced rat bitch?
the AG recused herself and left the decision up to comey at the mere appearance of impropriety. that was the right thing to do.

trump spoke to comey in complete privacy and secrecy 9 fucking times in 3 months and then fired him, admitting that it was because he was scared of the investigation. you're still not calling out trump for any of that.

how does his ass taste, you two faced rat bitch?

And we got excuses. Everything CNN told you to think. I've told you before. Open your mind. Turn the Damn TV off. Think for yourself.
Comey was helping Clinton. It's her stupid ass emails that lead to the Russian story.

Comey betrayed his position taking a political side. That wasn't his job. You should be happy the fucker is fired. But Trump did the firing so it's something else to complain about.
And we got excuses. Everything CNN told you to think. I've told you before. Open your mind. Turn the Damn TV off. Think for yourself.

the AG recused herself and left the decision up to comey at the mere appearance of impropriety. that was the right thing to do.

trump spoke to comey in complete privacy and secrecy 9 fucking times in 3 months and then fired him, admitting that it was because he was scared of the investigation. you're still not calling out trump for any of that.