bernie and jane are lawyering up!

are you seriously mentally handicapped?

why not elaborate on what you mean by "we".

deliver that punchline.

"we" excludes people like you who "gross 30 and net 20", which if true (you lie a lot, so gotta take that into account) puts you below the poverty line.
You must have missed the scene on international television where Trump held out his hand for a minute or two before Melania slapped it away in front of the whole world. He's definitely the one pining away while she's on the fence between marriage and divorce.
Trump should have know something was up when ALL the dudes she selected as her preference for security were HUGE black dudes.

She didn't get them cos Trump doesn't hire "those kind" but still...
You must have missed the scene on international television where Trump held out his hand for a minute or two before Melania slapped it away in front of the whole world. He's definitely the one pining away while she's on the fence between marriage and divorce.

my rofl copter needs a tune I missed that one.

Jesus fuck christ college boy; where do all those service members get their salary from.....reckon taxes?

god fucking damn.

thanks for the laugh, you never disappoint.
Uhh.. They fucking work for them? They're under the employ of the government (Department of Defense.) Do you work for nothing? I mean, I know you don't work and you live out of a trailer on SNAP and cash assistance, and that's cool because you're too useless to hold a job anyway, but would you do a job that demands you put your life on the line for free?

A serviceman's salary may be government-funded, but that's because we work for a department of the federal fucking government, and we don't sit in a dilapidated trailer with our thumbs up our asses, we actually fucking do shit, and for less than minimum wage.

You're so fucking dumb. You really think a military salary is anything in the same vein as welfare? By the way, you're welcome. You useless piece of dogshit.
You don't have to be republican to sell out your country, money is some peoples god. Looks like trouble headed his way, also Stein.

View attachment 3985723
"Since the election she has published multiple unverified claims about the Trump administration and Russia that have led to her being criticised for propagating conspiracy theories."

"Devine is currently the president of Devine Mulvey Longabaugh, a Washington D.C.-based media consulting firm. In October 2010, he was recognized as one of "the nation's most respected media consultants" by USA Today."
"Since the election she has published multiple unverified claims about the Trump administration and Russia that have led to her being criticised for propagating conspiracy theories."

"Devine is currently the president of Devine Mulvey Longabaugh, a Washington D.C.-based media consulting firm. In October 2010, he was recognized as one of "the nation's most respected media consultants" by USA Today."

Lol, it's not just Louise Mensch that's reporting this, but it's funny how she receives the most flak, lol. When this all comes to light, are you going to lose your shit, or what?
Uhh.. They fucking work for them? They're under the employ of the government (Department of Defense.) Do you work for nothing? I mean, I know you don't work and you live out of a trailer on SNAP and cash assistance, and that's cool because you're too useless to hold a job anyway, but would you do a job that demands you put your life on the line for free?

A serviceman's salary may be government-funded, but that's because we work for a department of the federal fucking government, and we don't sit in a dilapidated trailer with our thumbs up our asses, we actually fucking do shit, and for less than minimum wage.

You're so fucking dumb. You really think a military salary is anything in the same vein as welfare? By the way, you're welcome. You useless piece of dogshit.

OK fake libertarian,
I have thanked you for your service many times. Try and act like I haven't though.

Thanks for the clarification on where government salaries come from, not a vein more of an artery though. A vein would be when you go to work in the private sector and start contributing taxes, which is pumping funds back into the system, not out.

Those are then used as collateral to float the loan that becomes the financial artery of all government.

didn't learn that in college?

By the way, you're welcome for funding your career in fighting wars I don't morally agree with.
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OK fake libertarian,
I have thanked you for your service many times. Try and act like I haven't though.

Thanks for the clarification on where government salaries come from, not a vein more of an artery though. A vein would be when you go to work in the private sector and start contributing taxes, which is pumping funds back into the system, not out.

Those are then used as collateral to float the loan that becomes the financial artery of all government.

didn't learn that in college?

By the way, you're welcome for funding your career in fighting wars I don't morally agree with.
You aren't a libertarian. What you profess is status quo capitalism without rules or regulations to prevent monopoly. The end state of what you call libertarian is monopoly, not liberty. Yours is a right wing propaganda effort and never was an idea to be taken seriously. I include clowns like you in that too.

The term that tools like you stole and redefined to meet your masters propaganda wishes is, outside of the US, a socialist ideal that doesn't include your focus on money hoarding at all. It's a socialist ideal, not a capitalist one that would truly put "liberty" into the term you corrupted.
OK fake libertarian,
I have thanked you for your service many times. Try and act like I haven't though.

Thanks for the clarification on where government salaries come from, not a vein more of an artery though. A vein would be when you go to work in the private sector and start contributing taxes, which is pumping funds back into the system, not out.

Those are then used as collateral to float the loan that becomes the financial artery of all government.

didn't learn that in college?

By the way, you're welcome for funding your career in fighting wars I don't morally agree with.
It took you a day or two to find your balls to even try to come up with a comeback? Triggered and cowardly as fuck. I'd give you a D for effort, though. I'd love to see what you'd do in enfilade.

You aren't a libertarian. What you profess is status quo capitalism without rules or regulations to prevent monopoly. The end state of what you call libertarian is monopoly, not liberty. Yours is a right wing propaganda effort and never was an idea to be taken seriously. I include clowns like you in that too.

The term that tools like you stole and redefined to meet your masters propaganda wishes is, outside of the US, a socialist ideal that doesn't include your focus on money hoarding at all. It's a socialist ideal, not a capitalist one that would truly put "liberty" into the term you corrupted.
Don't be too hard on him. He might cry. He's sensitive, you know.

You aren't a libertarian. What you profess is status quo capitalism without rules or regulations to prevent monopoly. The end state of what you call libertarian is monopoly, not liberty. Yours is a right wing propaganda effort and never was an idea to be taken seriously. I include clowns like you in that too.

The term that tools like you stole and redefined to meet your masters propaganda wishes is, outside of the US, a socialist ideal that doesn't include your focus on money hoarding at all. It's a socialist ideal, not a capitalist one that would truly put "liberty" into the term you corrupted.

zomg Koch conspiracy.

can't have capitalism without capital. whichbis why your side is wrong about what this is today.

get it right and try again.

Rothbard also thought that in a truly free market, there would be a prolific market for the sale of children.