Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member

Guess who the DNC altered their debate standards to allow in without meeting the criteria? View attachment 4470142
those rule changes were known about ages ago

The donor threshold is being scrapped and replaced with actual votes

You and the other alt right/russian tard pretending to be Democrats are trying to recycle the same old shitty 2016 playbook and it’s pathetic

Go be a nazi who methposts all night somewhere else


Well-Known Member
those rule changes were known about ages ago

The donor threshold is being scrapped and replaced with actual votes

You and the other alt right/russian tard pretending to be Democrats are trying to recycle the same old shitty 2016 playbook and it’s pathetic

Go be a nazi who methposts all night somewhere else
This coming from you is hilarious. You spent half your life on these forums, what a pathetic existence. I sincerely pity you.


Well-Known Member
The janitor or maintenance man debacle is not something I really care about or think is significant, but I agree she does seem to embellish at times about things that can be fact checked. Lots of politicians lie, but to act as if Warren is completely grounded 100% of the time is misleading.

Biden is just senile imo, lol, Ill have to review the plagiarism because I'm not familiar with that. It seems like he barely makes it through the debates. As much as the Donald slurs, Biden's speech is worse.

In a head to head debate the only candidates I really see able to manage the Donald are Pete and Sanders. I liked Steyer because I think his message hits at the crux of all the issues, healthcare, education, ect. Take money out of the system and your stalemate and gridlocks most likely go away, and policies have the primary goal of benefiting the public rather than lining the pockets of politicians. Imo though he's just not electable. People don't like him. I also like Yang and Klobuchar, but I don't think either can be loud enough to cut the Donalds rants off midsentence like Pete or Sanders. Pete may be the best bet, but to me he's not far enough left, though he is growing on me. I don't know much about bloomberg yet but it seems he's coming on strong with a bit of a wild card strategy spending money in states no one else is.
this is why Sanders will succeed over Trump- he can hold his own..notice how Hillary quietly slithered away? he struck back and she had nothing. do not underestimate him..he's been quiet (Sanders) but carrying a big stick (Sanders base).

Sanders on Clinton's 'nobody likes him' claim: 'On a good day, my wife likes me'

Sanders is genuine and has an exemplary record- i trust him to work for the people over any of the other candidates.

i think it's time to send him another $27..

EDIT: you can't embarrass Sanders, but he can embarrass you and will
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Well-Known Member
This coming from you is hilarious. You spent half your life on these forums, what a pathetic existence. I sincerely pity you.
Yes, we already know that Bernie Bros complain regardless of facts. Some times they delete or change their posts when their false logic and misogyny is pointed out. Oftentimes they deflect into personal attacks. Facing facts is not what they do.

You highlighted this defect in your kind, why?


Well-Known Member
Yes, we already know that Bernie Bros complain regardless of facts. Some times they delete or change their posts when their false logic and misogyny is pointed out. Oftentimes they deflect into personal attacks. Facing facts is not what they do.

You highlighted this defect in your kind, why?
I stated a fact, this dude has been gaslighting on these forums for well over a decade. I've been frequenting here since 2009-10. I know how pathetic his existence is if he's got nothing to do but squable on internet forums.


Well-Known Member
I stated a fact, this dude has been gaslighting on these forums for well over a decade. I've been frequenting here since 2009-10. I know how pathetic his existence is if he's got nothing to do but squable on internet forums.
that's why he's on my ignore..too closed minded and a product of generational half-truths, family 'stories' and tribalism.


Well-Known Member
I stated a fact, this dude has been gaslighting on these forums for well over a decade. I've been frequenting here since 2009-10. I know how pathetic his existence is if he's got nothing to do but squable on internet forums.
Buck pointed out your post falsely accuses Democrats of unfair tactics. Your response? Buck is a poo-poo head, waaah.

Now you double down. This would be laughable if Bernie Sanders did not exhibit the same kind of behavior. Despite your hysteric and angry responses, your BS only highlights why Bernie should not become president.
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Well-Known Member
that's why he's on my ignore..too closed minded and a product of generational half-truths, family 'stories' and tribalism.
I was completely amused when the southern belle came out and soothed the brow of @ChiefRunningPhist for being rightly shown to be the lying asshole that he is. "There, there, schuylaar will soothe you and make you feel better". He ate that shit up too. LOL


Well-Known Member
Buck pointed out your post falsely accuses Democrats of unfair tactics. Your response? Buck is a poo-poo head, waaah.

Now you double down. This would be laughable if Bernie Sanders did not exhibit the same kind of behavior. Despite your hysteric and angry responses, your BS only highlights why Bernie should not become president.
Lol you're a living meme.


Well-Known Member
This coming from you is hilarious. You spent half your life on these forums, what a pathetic existence. I sincerely pity you.
this is why Sanders will succeed over Trump- he can hold his own..notice how Hillary quietly slithered away? he struck back and she had nothing. do not underestimate him..he's been quiet (Sanders) but carrying a big stick (Sanders base).

Sanders on Clinton's 'nobody likes him' claim: 'On a good day, my wife likes me'

Sanders is genuine and has an exemplary record- i trust him to work for the people over any of the other candidates.

i think it's time to send him another $27..

EDIT: you can't embarrass Sanders, but he can embarrass you and will
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Well-Known Member
Facts aren't important to Sanders supporters. Feelings are. @schuylaar 's hatred of Clinton is long lasting and she just "felt" at the moment that Clinton "slithered" away. She took on Trump in three debates and trounced him each time. Got Trump so worked up he stood over her in a menacing move. "Nasty woman", "Wrong!" and all that. But today, because sky is all methed up after a night of wallowing in self-pity, the Sanders in her prompted her to claim Clinton was weak.

These misogynists keep using old tropes. It works, I guess. Sanders is doing well in the polls despite having nothing to show that he's capable of delivering on his promises. If only Warren were a "hysterical woman" and Clinton a "weak woman" who slithers away, Sanders would win something more than a medal for showing up. He hasn't actually done anything. Maybe he should change that fact instead of use dehumanizing tropes to tear down others to make himself look taller.


Well-Known Member
Lol @rollitup must be a big Warren supporter. I'm not sure what it takes to usher a response. I guess it takes defending the sites biggest troll. Moderator? Of what?

I have not deleted anything lol

I've been consistent since the beginning.

Warren is a bit hysterical at times, more so than her running mates.

She has a history that can elucidate this.

These are facts.

No matter how much you want to stick your head in the sand @abandonconflict the reality won't change. Lieing to yourself about what you wish were true doesn't change the facts at hand.

Lol @Fogdog couldn't argue merit and blocked me before he was forced to swallow the truth as well...because his arguments were soooo compelling lol such a fragile group..