Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Lol @rollitup must be a big Warren supporter. I'm not sure what it takes to usher a response. I guess it takes defending the sites biggest troll. Moderator? Of what?

I have not deleted anything lol

I've been consistent since the beginning.

Warren is a bit hysterical at times, more so than her running mates.

She has a history that can elucidate this.

These are facts.

No matter how much you want to stick your head in the sand @abandonconflict the reality won't change. Lieing to yourself about what you wish were true doesn't change the facts at hand.

Lol @Fogdog couldn't argue merit and blocked me before he was forced to swallow the truth as well...because his arguments were soooo compelling lol such a fragile group..
no need to be so emotional. You were up all night methposting, you might want to take a nap


Well-Known Member
The woke are just very fragile.

Let's have a few more 9yr olds in our governmental process, that's how were going to win 2020! Secure that 3rd grader vote, idk how we've missed that demographic before? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Impeachment, Bernie's Surge, and the Upcoming State of the Union | The Common Good with Robert Reich

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich launches a new talk show and discusses the latest on impeachment. He then talks with Katie Milne from the Inequality Media team about the Senate trial, the bombshell John Bolton news, witnesses, and the outright crazy things Donald Trump’s lawyers and GOP lackeys are saying to try to acquit our lawless president. They also discuss Trump’s upcoming State of the Union address, the Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders’ rise in the polls, Michael Bloomberg attempting to buy the presidency, and what we can expect in Iowa.

Inequality Media with Robert Reich is a digital media organization aimed at debunking right-wing lies, educating the public about inequality and imbalance of power, and breaking down solutions to the economic and structural issues plaguing our country. We provide a platform for you to learn, share your ideas, and, hopefully, mobilize your communities to make change for the common good.


Well-Known Member
Don't vote for Bernie because his 97 trillion dollar economic agenda has absolutely no chance of ever making any progress for anyone, ever.

Also don't vote for Bernie because he has never accomplished anything in politics aside from fracturing the DNC to hand power to the GOP.


Well-Known Member
The woke are just very fragile.

Let's have a few more 9yr olds in our governmental process, that's how were going to win 2020! Secure that 3rd grader vote, idk how we've missed that demographic before? :confused:
Is 'Woke' the new trigger word for the white man?

I would suggest not thinking that when people show concern about what others go through that they might not understand because they don't live in that particular community is because of anything other than genuine concern for other humans.