Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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No you aren't. You never deployed.

Odd you would deride guys who did, unless you're just a fake persona on the internet who is so desperate to get the last word that you will derail a Bernie thread where you end up all friendly with racists.
Why Is this an argument. The military isn't some elite job that's hard to get. It's literally as easy as getting a job at McDonald's. You served a job you signed up for unless you were in Vietnam.

I also wouldn't post personal info here. So telling him to post his info is a ridiculous request. I respect both of you but this shit between you all is getting stupid
According to that it doesn't seem to be like Hunter was engaged in anything criminal. I'm not sure he was or was arguing that he was, I only knew of the implied corruption surrounding burisma and from what limited info I had it didn't seem like hunter was employed based on his experience but rather his name. Its a non-issue if comparing to trump and his kids, but I just thought it sounded fishy when I heard of it and when the dems didn't allow a witness trade (which I can see both sides of, so I gave benefit of doubt to Hunter, while reserving some ambiguity).
You have described exactly what the whole reasoning behind it was. That was why all Trump cared about was the Ukrainian President announcing an investigation. He didn't actually care if there was one or not, just the announcement to make it seem like there was something there.

The Republicans used Trump's impeachment trial to push the conspiracy doing what Trump was hoping to get Ukraine to do. Hunter had nothing to do with anything Trump did, and if the Republicans actually wanted him to testify, they had the votes to get him easily while still shutting down the Democrats witnesses that actually were talking with Trump.

All to tank Biden with a made up conspiracy hit piece, because Trump was too scared to run against him, which may have worked because prior to the Trumps impeachment trial, he was way ahead, now he is slightly behind. It was Hillary's emails all over again, manufactured conspiracy designed by the Russians to damage people running against Trump and Bernie.

And let's say Biden pulls it off, a certain portion of people that felt like you do/did with the words 'Burisma or Hunter', when Trump uses it nonstop on the campaign trail is going to stick with a certain portion of the population and make it seem like Biden and Trump are totally the same, and use it along with the other hit pieces Trump/Russia has pushed on Biden to convince them to not vote, especially if they are in a battle ground state/close districts.
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and if the Republicans actually wanted him to testify, they had the votes to get him easily while still shutting down the Democrats witnesses that actually were talking with Trump.
Ahh good point.

I don't disagree with your last paragraph either, that's what I meant by I see both sides.
Why Is this an argument. The military isn't some elite job that's hard to get. It's literally as easy as getting a job at McDonald's. You served a job you signed up for unless you were in Vietnam.

I also wouldn't post personal info here. So telling him to post his info is a ridiculous request. I respect both of you but this shit between you all is getting stupid
I mean, I don't disagree. He went on for a couple pages impugning me on that shit, trying to lash out with personal insults and connecting it to my past of alcoholism, like have another drink, and bringing up that my wife had left me. I guess I described it at some point in some thread in the past or else he fished really hard for personal info on me. After a while yeah, I call it out. the site's top admin has my dd214, he's a vietnam vet and never revealed my info. To be honest, I don't relly want to bring it up either. I didn't want to bring it up with the two other people who brought the same bullshit. He was desperate to get into that because Buttigieg is a veteran. He wanted to measure dicks. I let it go on for a while before I called him out. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have pressed me so hard for it. I can agree it shouldn't go there. Shouldn't have gone there with Kasuti or that other guy either. Both of them came at me the same way.
I mean, I don't disagree. He went on for a couple pages impugning me on that shit, trying to lash out with personal insults and connecting it to my past of alcoholism, like have another drink, and bringing up that my wife had left me. I guess I described it at some point in some thread in the past or else he fished really hard for personal info on me. After a while yeah, I call it out. the site's top admin has my dd214, he's a vietnam vet and never revealed my info. To be honest, I don't relly want to bring it up either. I didn't want to bring it up with the two other people who brought the same bullshit. He was desperate to get into that because Buttigieg is a veteran. He wanted to measure dicks. I let it go on for a while before I called him out. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have pressed me so hard for it. I can agree it shouldn't go there. Shouldn't have gone there with Kasuti or that other guy either. Both of them came at me the same way.
You apparently have not completely abandoned conflict my friend! :lol: Your located in east Asia, have you thought about meditation, or have any experience with it? Ever been to a 10 day vipassana retreat for westerners? You seem like a pretty well informed guy, but meditation is experiential and you don't really know about it unless you experience it.

I try to pick my enemies carefully and cut some folks a lot of slack because sometimes enemies are unavoidable. The world is full of assholes and we all act like one sometimes (others all the time) ya can't let em ruin yer day. I usually use a little lube before I slide it in too!:lol:
I mean, I don't disagree. He went on for a couple pages impugning me on that shit, trying to lash out with personal insults and connecting it to my past of alcoholism, like have another drink, and bringing up that my wife had left me. I guess I described it at some point in some thread in the past or else he fished really hard for personal info on me. After a while yeah, I call it out. the site's top admin has my dd214, he's a vietnam vet and never revealed my info. To be honest, I don't relly want to bring it up either. I didn't want to bring it up with the two other people who brought the same bullshit. He was desperate to get into that because Buttigieg is a veteran. He wanted to measure dicks. I let it go on for a while before I called him out. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have pressed me so hard for it. I can agree it shouldn't go there. Shouldn't have gone there with Kasuti or that other guy either. Both of them came at me the same way.
I'm not even going off of how it started or why. You both are on the right side of history. Need to just agree to disagree lol
I'm not even going off of how it started or why. You both are on the right side of history. Need to just agree to disagree lol
Good luck. He's been lashing out at a whole bunch of people here for weeks.
You apparently have not completely abandoned conflict my friend! :lol: Your located in east Asia, have you thought about meditation, or have any experience with it? Ever been to a 10 day vipassana retreat for westerners? You seem like a pretty well informed guy, but meditation is experiential and you don't really know about it unless you experience it.

I try to pick my enemies carefully and cut some folks a lot of slack because sometimes enemies are unavoidable. The world is full of assholes and we all act like one sometimes (others all the time) ya can't let em ruin yer day. I usually use a little lube before I slide it in too!:lol:

nah, im'ma stay
And you don't do that to everybody? It seems to me that you like to give it, but can't take it.

I took it for several pages before I gave it, dumbass.

Remember when you had a complete histrionic episode and totally blew your act?
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I mean, I don't disagree. He went on for a couple pages impugning me on that shit, trying to lash out with personal insults and connecting it to my past of alcoholism, like have another drink, and bringing up that my wife had left me. I guess I described it at some point in some thread in the past or else he fished really hard for personal info on me. After a while yeah, I call it out. the site's top admin has my dd214, he's a vietnam vet and never revealed my info. To be honest, I don't relly want to bring it up either. I didn't want to bring it up with the two other people who brought the same bullshit. He was desperate to get into that because Buttigieg is a veteran. He wanted to measure dicks. I let it go on for a while before I called him out. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have pressed me so hard for it. I can agree it shouldn't go there. Shouldn't have gone there with Kasuti or that other guy either. Both of them came at me the same way.

That is pretty much the point of Russian/foreign/Trump trolls.

Pick fights with people, take up one side or the other, and demonstrate the ways to derail conversations by creating chaos. Eventually people see the ways to get people mad so much, it becomes easy to slip right into using what they did to pick the fight.

At that point when whatever was origionally being discussed is forgot, but the anger is not, and the trolling is hardened.
I mean, I don't disagree. He went on for a couple pages impugning me on that shit, trying to lash out with personal insults and connecting it to my past of alcoholism, like have another drink, and bringing up that my wife had left me. I guess I described it at some point in some thread in the past or else he fished really hard for personal info on me. After a while yeah, I call it out. the site's top admin has my dd214, he's a vietnam vet and never revealed my info. To be honest, I don't relly want to bring it up either. I didn't want to bring it up with the two other people who brought the same bullshit. He was desperate to get into that because Buttigieg is a veteran. He wanted to measure dicks. I let it go on for a while before I called him out. If he doesn't like it he shouldn't have pressed me so hard for it. I can agree it shouldn't go there. Shouldn't have gone there with Kasuti or that other guy either. Both of them came at me the same way.
Now why you have to lie to support your stance ? The argument was never about Buttigieg being a Vet. He is. The argument was if he was a COMBAT VET.
Anyone who followed the conversation knows this, so why you lying and saying it was about being a vet ? There is a difference between the two, You dishonor those who EARNED that badge/ribbon as a COMBAT vet. If you are Airborne you should very well know this and be appalled by some claiming it who has NEVER took fire and NEVER fired at hostiles. Now to Mayor Pete honor he even said he was not a COMBAT vet. You are the only one saying that he was. Not just a veteran , but a COMBAT veteran. Get your story straight or you will get call out each and every time. .

and on a side not to @srh88 its a lot harder to get in the Air Force then you think. Much harder than getting a job at McDonalds. The only harder branch is Coastguard and a lot of jobs in the Airforce are elite. Try telling that to a pilot, navigator, boom operator, Air Traffic Controller, Flight engineer ...etc etc.
Not bringing an argument to you, just educating on a incorrect statement you made and FYI you just don't get the job you "sign up" for. You have to test for that job to see if you are even qualified to be trained to do it and even then you might not get it because someone might have tested higher than you.
McDonalds you just fill out an application and learn how to say " Welcome to McDonalds how may I help you". ;-)
Good luck. He's been lashing out at a whole bunch of people here for weeks.
No for the most part it has been you, uncle buck and hanimmal.
Hanimmal because he/she is a low info voter. UB because he's a fake account maker and just like to start trouble on this site claiming he fighting racist and Nazi :roll::roll: and you because vet versus combat vet and screaming for me to give out personal info on a fucking pot site.
No for the most part it has been you, uncle buck and hanimmal.
Hanimmal because he/she is a low info voter. UB because he's a fake account maker and just like to start trouble on this site claiming he fighting racist and Nazi :roll::roll: and you because vet versus combat vet and screaming for me to give out personal info on a fucking pot site.
funny how you can’t name a single fake account I’ve made though

Corn poop eater
Now why you have to lie to support your stance ? The argument was never about Buttigieg being a Vet. He is. The argument was if he was a COMBAT VET.
Anyone who followed the conversation knows this, so why you lying and saying it was about being a vet ? There is a difference between the two, You dishonor those who EARNED that badge/ribbon as a COMBAT vet. If you are Airborne you should very well know this and be appalled by some claiming it who has NEVER took fire and NEVER fired at hostiles. Now to Mayor Pete honor he even said he was not a COMBAT vet. You are the only one saying that he was. Not just a veteran , but a COMBAT veteran. Get your story straight or you will get call out each and every time. .

and on a side not to @srh88 its a lot harder to get in the Air Force then you think. Much harder than getting a job at McDonalds. The only harder branch is Coastguard and a lot of jobs in the Airforce are elite. Try telling that to a pilot, navigator, boom operator, Air Traffic Controller, Flight engineer ...etc etc.
Not bringing an argument to you, just educating on a incorrect statement you made and FYI you just don't get the job you "sign up" for. You have to test for that job to see if you are even qualified to be trained to do it and even then you might not get it because someone might have tested higher than you.
McDonalds you just fill out an application and learn how to say " Welcome to McDonalds how may I help you". ;-)
No for the most part it has been you, uncle buck and hanimmal.
Hanimmal because he/she is a low info voter. UB because he's a fake account maker and just like to start trouble on this site claiming he fighting racist and Nazi :roll::roll: and you because vet versus combat vet and screaming for me to give out personal info on a fucking pot site.

People are asking me to stop feeding you, troll. I don't need to argue over what kind of vet an actual vet is with someone who never deployed. All you have to do is put up or shut up. It's not that hard.
funny how you can’t name a single fake account I’ve made though

Corn poop eater
He goes around accusing everyone he disagrees with of being a sock puppet, yet he remembers personal details I shared years ago in a different context in threads he didn't even post in.

It's obvious who the sock puppet is. It's not obvious to me which other accounts are his though because of the fake blaccent.

People are asking me to stop feeding you, troll. I don't need to argue over what kind of vet an actual vet is with someone who never deployed. All you have to do is put up or shut up. It's not that hard.
you claim tldr but commented on what I wrote. I have a better idea make me shut up. Did you beat your wife when you got drunk ? Did you she leave you for the next dude ?
I have a better idea make me shut up.
If I wanted you to shut up I would stop replying to you. I want you to keep showing us how much you hate me for literally no reason. You're desperately lashing out in the most personal ways you can, with no relevance to the politics of the subject.

This is truly unbecoming of an NCO. I'm certain that you have fabricated your entire back story and dug up dirt on me that I shared on other very old threads, just to try to get under my skin.

Attacking me just because I am a combat veteran, you're a joke. You're a typical Bernie supporter. I'm still laughing at you for comparing TDY to an actual combat deployment.

Please, by all means continue to degrade yourself with your desperation to tear me down since you are inferior to me.
If I wanted you to shut up I would stop replying to you. I want you to keep showing us how much you hate me for literally no reason. You're desperately lashing out in the most personal ways you can, with no relevance to the politics of the subject.

This is truly unbecoming of an NCO. I'm certain that you have fabricated your entire back story and dug up dirt on me that I shared on other very old threads, just to try to get under my skin.

Attacking me just because I am a combat veteran, you're a joke. You're a typical Bernie supporter. I'm still laughing at you for comparing TDY to an actual combat deployment.

Please, by all means continue to degrade yourself with your desperation to tear me down since you are inferior to me.
I don't hate you. Just cant see why you cant say you made an error. I do take it personal you giving unneeded and UNWANTED accolade to a man who is not deserving of such.
Why you keep saying NCO, I graduated OTS... get if right.
You really have a hard time reading. I never COMPARED TDY with deployment my exact words were " I prefer TDY over deployment" ...I have done both. Post the quote then apologize for your error lets see if you can do that.
Im attacking you because of you giving Pete Combat honors. Doing so makes me doubt you Airborne. That would never be done. My brother is Airborne and I actually check with him about it just to see if I was the only one to feel so. "HELL NO "was his reply. Big NO NO. What AIrborne unit were you is what he wanted me to ask you ?
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