Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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You're the one who's suddenly best buds with the worst racists on the forum. Your new buddy here likes to call people "hysterical woke triggered libtards". Not as bad as you trying to follow me from thread to thread and bring up how I turned to alcoholism after my combat deployments and got divorced. I mean, that's just low, digging through old threads from years ago under different contexts just to try and insult me based on my military service.

You're a terrible person.
I've never said libtard. "Hysterical" and "ultra woke af" is what I said several times and what was triggering your obsession. I don't like any form of the word "retard."
You're the one who's suddenly best buds with the worst racists on the forum. Your new buddy here likes to call people "hysterical woke triggered libtards". Not as bad as you trying to follow me from thread to thread and bring up how I turned to alcoholism after my combat deployments and got divorced. I mean, that's just low, digging through old threads from years ago under different contexts just to try and insult me based on my military service.

You're a terrible person.
He racist because you say so ??? Stop crying you drunk . Pull your panties up and be a fucking man. We all have problems , it how we deal with them. Don't expect no pity party from me I DONT GIVE THEM. You got in the ring with me, so be ready to go 12, because I'm prepared to go 15. No one forced your ass to enlist. Your vote for Bush showed what an idiot you were. DING DING DING. 15 rounds
Yes, at times you are definitely hysterical and triggered.
How about now, with all of londonfog's personal insults based on my military experience and details he found by digging up old threads from years ago?

You know what is hysterical? Deleting your own posts because you regret what you say but then continuing to try to argue after the context has been removed.

You even made a troll thread and tagged me in it a dozen times because you were so desperate to preserve your whole fake leftist act.
How about now, with all of londonfog's personal insults based on my military experience and details he found by digging up old threads from years ago?

You know what is hysterical? Deleting your own posts because you regret what you say but then continuing to try to argue after the context has been removed.

You even made a troll thread and tagged me in it a dozen times because you were so desperate to preserve your whole fake leftist act.
Like Uncle Buck removing that dirty ass picture he put up last night ?
How about now, with all of londonfog's personal insults based on my military experience and details he found by digging up old threads from years ago?

You know what is hysterical? Deleting your own posts because you regret what you say but then continuing to try to argue after the context has been removed.

You even made a troll thread and tagged me in it a dozen times because you were so desperate to preserve your whole fake leftist act.
Ya but you dug yourself this hole. What did you think was guna happen? Maybe when you scream at mommy for more go-gurt she gets it for you, but not everyone here is going to coddle you and make excuses for you.
He racist because you say so ??? Stop crying you drunk . Pull your panties up and be a fucking man. We all have problems , it how we deal with them. Don't expect no pity party from me I DONT GIVE THEM. You got in the ring with me, so be ready to go 12, because I'm prepared to go 15. No one forced your ass to enlist. Your vote for Bush showed what an idiot you were. DING DING DING. 15 rounds
Most of the Bernie supporters are racist as fuck, your new buddies.

I don't want your pity. You're the one who goes around demanding respect because you never received it. I quit drinking almost 8 years ago while I was in physical therapy and putting my life back together from a divorce and several combat deployments. Now I cultivate heat resistant coral in my efforts to actually save the planet.

You're just supporting Bernie because he offers free shit. You offer society nothing and ridicule me for giving everything I ever had because I believed I was serving for a better society.
Like Uncle Buck removing that dirty ass picture he put up last night ?
I never deleted a thing. Rollitup or someone deleted a post I guess and they freaked. Lol when they couldn't argue merit they resorted to arguing about whether I deleted or edited my posts lol, I edited a few misspellings but when asked what was in the deletions or the edits that they were upset about, they couldn't reply lol they whine about repubs rigging the impeachment but then delete and censor peoples post when they happen to make a legitimate argument that they don't want to hear, no better than any trumpy, in fact almost the exact same, just babies.
After seeing all these personal insults from Bernie supporters along with racism and "hysterical woke triggered libtard", I think Bernie is lying when he says that all the toxic comments come from his Russian trollfarm base.

That's just how bernouts really are.
Most of the Bernie supporters are racist as fuck, your new buddies.

I don't want your pity. You're the one who goes around demanding respect because you never received it. I quit drinking almost 8 years ago while I was in physical therapy and putting my life back together from a divorce and several combat deployments. Now I cultivate heat resistant coral in my efforts to actually save the planet.

You're just supporting Bernie because he offers free shit. You offer society nothing and ridicule me for giving everything I ever had because I believed I was serving for a better society.
cool story bro. Tell me more about the wife who left you. Did you beat her and call her out her name. What was drink of choice when you were a fucking drunk. Please don't Sarah Palin me with the answer " All of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years"
I guess since you know and I don't, why don't you enlighten us, why don't you explain the contributions that hunter biden was anticipated to provide based on his professional experience? I honestly don't know, so I'll listen. Whenever I interview for a job it is based on my previous experience and anticipated prowess over a certain field. Maybe Hunter has this level of typically expected experiences and recommendations. I don't know much about him or the deal. It sounds like he's a bit of a party boy that's lived off the coattails of his dad, but ill admit it seems you are vastly more knowledgeable. So let me get out of the way so you can tell me all about it.

What the fuck, Man? You've never heard of a woman getting a job because of her looks? :roll:

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