Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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i have one

Hence why there’s no mud on my floors

Soup brain
So nowww you have a mud room but still walk around and sit on your furniture with those nasty ass pants on around your child toys. Even putting her to bed with those nasty filthy pants on. Caveman style. Who was that again that said you had a nasty ass grow room

who knows what fecal matter or bacteria could be in that shit. Why would you want that around your child. Shit you guys had enough trouble having a baby
back to the unnoticed piles of shit from wild dogs that roam boulder neighborhoods with ten million dollar homes again I see
He got the job because of his name and who his daddy is.
sanders’ son and step-sister are both seeking office in vermont on the same exact fucking basis

itd be so much easier to get behind sanders if I didn’t have to stand next to blitheringly ignorant hypocrites like you
sanders’ son and step-sister are both seeking office in vermont on the same exact fucking basis

itd be so much easier to get behind sanders if I didn’t have to stand next to blitheringly ignorant hypocrites like you
Yeah I was like that the last time around in 2016. Bernie Baby used to piss me off. This time around I looked at every candidate and decided Warren or Bernie. Now it seems all Bernie. And you are not standing next to me. your vote is your vote. your believes are your believes.
Our beef is not about Bernie but about a whole another different shit. Stay focus
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