Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

We can't all be MLK Jr, but we can certainly try to channel our frustrations into more positive outlets.

I understand Pad's anger and I share it. I'm also aware that mere cussing and screaming (not accusing Pad of this) is almost always counterproductive. It's a tightrope walk for sure. I'm still learning.
I understand tantrums in children and young adults. By the time a person approaches 30, not so much. Anger isn't the same as resolve to correct a wrong. Anger or fearful people fall back on sterotypes and conventional solutions. "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore". Silly and childish thinking. Nothing wrong with getting hot now and then but the reaction to getting angry should be to take care not to do anything rash. We can't all be MLK but what I hear from Paddy is celebration of anger. His judgement was already suspect. It's not suspect any more.

Where fear breeds uncertainty, anger instills confidence. Angry people are more likely to put the blame on individuals, rather than “society,” or fate. Anger makes people more likely to take risks and to minimize how dangerous those risks will be. Other researchers have shown that angry people rely more on stereotypes and are more eager to act.

Anger simplifies our thinking. People switch to rules of thumb—ban all the Muslims!—instead of carefully considering refugee policy and its implications.

“Right now, we shouldn’t be thinking in a shallow way,” Lerner said. “Now, we need to be thinking about very specific policy tradeoffs. Anger gets you in the game, but once you’re in the game, you need to think.”

There you have it.

Overconfidence. As in Paddy's rambling statements about what people believe and what people are planning and what will happen next. Nobody knows what's going to happen.

Reversion to stereotypes. Paddy continuously uses fake sterotypes about his percieved enemies. His rants against the Democratic Party is also an example of weak anger driven thinking.

He will always be a loser if what he says here represents his world view.
I understand tantrums in children and young adults. By the time a person approaches 30, not so much. Anger isn't the same as resolve to correct a wrong. Anger or fearful people fall back on sterotypes and conventional solutions. "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore". Silly and childish thinking. Nothing wrong with getting hot now and then but the reaction to getting angry should be to take care not to do anything rash. We can't all be MLK but what I hear from Paddy is celebration of anger. His judgement was already suspect. It's not suspect any more.

Where fear breeds uncertainty, anger instills confidence. Angry people are more likely to put the blame on individuals, rather than “society,” or fate. Anger makes people more likely to take risks and to minimize how dangerous those risks will be. Other researchers have shown that angry people rely more on stereotypes and are more eager to act.

Anger simplifies our thinking. People switch to rules of thumb—ban all the Muslims!—instead of carefully considering refugee policy and its implications.

“Right now, we shouldn’t be thinking in a shallow way,” Lerner said. “Now, we need to be thinking about very specific policy tradeoffs. Anger gets you in the game, but once you’re in the game, you need to think.”

There you have it.

Overconfidence. As in Paddy's rambling statements about what people believe and what people are planning and what will happen next. Nobody knows what's going to happen.

Reversion to stereotypes. Paddy continuously uses fake sterotypes about his percieved enemies. His rants against the Democratic Party is also an example of weak anger driven thinking.

He will always be a loser if what he says here represents his world view.
The problem with considered reasoning is that it often gets lost in the shouting match.

That's not a slam, it's an unfortunate reality. When people decide that thoughtlessness is just as valid as thoughtfulness, the first casualty is civility and the second is reason. What's left is mob rule- writ large, that's fascism.
The problem with considered reasoning is that it often gets lost in the shouting match.

That's not a slam, it's an unfortunate reality. When people decide that thoughtlessness is just as valid as thoughtfulness, the first casualty is civility and the second is reason. What's left is mob rule- writ large, that's fascism.
the problem with unconsidered reasoning is that it's not founded in reason.
the problem with unconsidered reasoning is that it's not founded in reason.

We've entered an era where people think their ignorant opinions based on 'values', 'beliefs' and 'feelings' are as valid as those based on facts, research and extrapolation of measured trends.

Worse, because these aren't fact based opinions, no amount of explaining the facts will change the opinion.

I haven't seen anyone get much traction with attacking the sources of these ignorant opinions either, even though it's clear they've been cynically manipulated.

You get enough of these ignorant opinions together and voting, you get results like the Chump in office.

So now what?
"hey man just watch this youtube video and you'll totally see why i luvvvvv rawn pawl and you should too rEVOLution!!!!!"
WTF is the matter with you?!

Ron Paul was nowhere in that video. If you'd bothered to watch, it was a video by, for and about black people, their struggle for recognition and the candidate who has been speaking for them for over half a century.

You're sounding dangerously close to racist, and definitely full of shit. What you said is nothing but a cheap shot and it's beneath you, nevermind distractingly irrelevant.

With an attitude like that, Democrats like you have no right to speak for minorities. AT ALL.

But keep on your path of division and ridicule and see where it gets you. The Left is rising and either the Democratic Party starts listening to us or it will be left out in the cold for a long time... Maybe forever.
WTF is the matter with you?!

Ron Paul was nowhere in that video. If you'd bothered to watch, it was a video by, for and about black people, their struggle for recognition and the candidate who has been speaking for them for over half a century.

You're sounding dangerously close to racist, and definitely full of shit. What you said is nothing but a cheap shot and it's beneath you, nevermind distractingly irrelevant.

With an attitude like that, Democrats like you have no right to speak for minorities. AT ALL.

But keep on your path of division and ridicule and see where it gets you. The Left is rising and either the Democratic Party starts listening to us or it will be left out in the cold for a long time... Maybe forever.

let me help you out here:

rawn = bernie
pawl = sanders

it's the same delusional cult like following.
let me help you out here:

rawn = bernie
pawl = sanders

it's the same delusional cult like following.
You keep telling yourself that.

You have a bad habit of discounting any opinion that didn't spring from your lips as invalid. You sound intolerant and it's just as sour coming from you as from the Orange One.

Bernie speaks for millions- and don't forget, he won Colorado's caucus, along with 21 other state primaries.

With negativity and ignorance like that, you're a better fit in the Chump crowd.

Inclusiveness and listening to the voices of all liberal factions. THAT'S the way forward. Get on the train or get left at the station.
nope, biden is.
He's not, but I support his position on abortion rights, similar to Senator Sanders; "I accept my church's position that life begins at conception. That's the church's judgment. I accept it in my personal life. But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews and--I just refuse to impose that on others" Imagine that, right? A guy who could hold a personal belief and yet, not wish to impose it on the rest of society...

I could totally support that. Could you?
He's not, but I support his position on abortion rights, similar to Senator Sanders; "I accept my church's position that life begins at conception. That's the church's judgment. I accept it in my personal life. But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews and--I just refuse to impose that on others" Imagine that, right? A guy who could hold a personal belief and yet, not wish to impose it on the rest of society...

I could totally support that. Could you?

he is actually the most popular politician in the united states.

and i could NEVER support a candidate who holds both a private and a public position :lol:
he is actually the most popular politician in the united states.

and i could NEVER support a candidate who holds both a private and a public position :lol:
Sanders believes the government shouldn't be involved in abortion. That it's a decision between a woman and her family. Same with Biden.

Sanders is the most popular politician in the country, by far. Much more popular than Trump and Clinton. Much more popular than the Democratic party as a whole.. People everywhere support him and the Democratic establishment is doubling down on pushing a more corporatist agenda. Right after Obama comes back from vacation and publicly accepts $400K from Wall Street..

These people have no shame. And you allow them to get away with it.
Sanders believes the government shouldn't be involved in abortion. That it's a decision between a woman and her family. Same with Biden.

Sanders is the most popular politician in the country, by far. Much more popular than Trump and Clinton. Much more popular than the Democratic party as a whole.. People everywhere support him and the Democratic establishment is doubling down on pushing a more corporatist agenda. Right after Obama comes back from vacation and publicly accepts $400K from Wall Street..

These people have no shame. And you allow them to get away with it.

biden is the most popular politician and bashing the first black president for getting paid to give a speech is probably not the best move for you to take considering how badly your guy lost the black vote last time.

i like how the poke about having a private and public position totally went over your head though, hypocrite.
Sanders believes the government shouldn't be involved in abortion. That it's a decision between a woman and her family. Same with Biden.

Sanders is the most popular politician in the country, by far. Much more popular than Trump and Clinton. Much more popular than the Democratic party as a whole.. People everywhere support him and the Democratic establishment is doubling down on pushing a more corporatist agenda. Right after Obama comes back from vacation and publicly accepts $400K from Wall Street..

These people have no shame. And you allow them to get away with it.
According to Fox Fucking News...
bernard sandlers is the new rawn pawl.
You keep telling yourself that.

You have a bad habit of discounting any opinion that didn't spring from your lips as invalid. You sound intolerant and it's just as sour coming from you as from the Orange One.

Bernie speaks for millions- and don't forget, he won Colorado's caucus, along with 21 other state primaries.

With negativity and ignorance like that, you're a better fit in the Chump crowd.

Inclusiveness and listening to the voices of all liberal factions. THAT'S the way forward. Get on the train or get left at the station.