Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

No supporting evidence of Twain saying it either. Also not The Bard

It's a great line. Just not accurately attributed to the great wags of the past few centuries.

In any case my post on this was basically to say @LSD-25 is an idiot. Which is true, regardless who said it first.

The blood swung its reddest pennant out over the boy’s cheeks, but Trissilian’s mood was not to be resented, or resisted. A battle of wits was to be fought, and the Boy in Blue was unarmed to-night. (Longstreet, 1866)
Google attributed it to Twain. He probably didn't say it first.
no.. YOUR an idiot..
Hey, amazing!!! You spelled and use "your" correctly. You even used the caps to shout the word appropriately. :clap:

That said,

Churchill never said it.


Just kidding, you completely botched the use of your. You said "you are", which contracts to "you're an idiot."

winning :hug:
Churchill didn't say that.
how the fuck do you know that? Did you know the man? were you around him every day of his life? god your a fucking idiot.. do you even know what your saying sometimes? you sound like a retard. are you a Democrat?
how the fuck do you know that? Did you know the man? were you around him every day of his life? god your a fucking idiot.. do you even know what your saying sometimes? you sound like a retard. are you a Democrat?
Eh because it's attributed to someone else?

It's also not attributed to Twain either...

You can't just read the header on the first Google result and assume it's fact.
how the fuck do you know that? Did you know the man? were you around him every day of his life? god your a fucking idiot.. do you even know what your saying sometimes? you sound like a retard. are you a Democrat?
How the fuck can you say Churchill said it? There is no record anywhere that he actually said it.

remember: "YOU'RE an idiot", not "YOUR an idiot"

You can thank me later after you've calmed down.
ok asshole.. since your so smart and know every thing about Winston Churhill.. tell what he did say? tell us what he said before he went to bed at night and when he woke up in the morning.. you don't know shit about Winston Churchill dude your just blowing a bunch of hot air out or your over inflated arse..
One of his famous ones is:

"You sir are drunk"

Churchill - "Yes, and you are ugly, but I will be sober in the morning".
nobody ever said he made the quote up you fucking jackass.. He just said it one day.. geezz you guys are fucking too much man i swear.. is everybody on the left just a pregnant lady complaining about the way people breathe? is this the society we live in?

So, there are a lot of things attributed to Confucius that he never said too. Do you want to make up a few? I remember one about a stinky finger.
So, there are a lot of things attributed to Confucius that he never said too. Do you want to make up a few? I remember one about a stinky finger.
yeah man Im going to make up all kinds of stuff ... what the fuck are you going to do about it huh?
hahahahaha dude your so funny.. I bet you get all the girls............... online.. hahahaha
My current relationship pre-dates dating websites...we met the old fashioned way.

Your insults are weak though, like your perma-flaccid excuse for a penis.


It might be wise to stop alienating him and his supporters if the Democrats are to have any chance in the upcoming election cycle.

Lol, looks like we just picked up two house seats in NH and OK. We don't need your help, thank you. You've done nothing but fracture what has otherwise been a strong and successful political party. Gfy