Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

Which men's rights groups?

Any. Pick your personal favorite.

Edit: You can't say I'm not willing to engage you on policy and stuff anymore. That has been proven false. Objectively. In full view. On record and archived. Now, you can retire that "go-to" charge of yours.
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Shocking. Not a policy criticism in sight
It never ceases to amaze me how people can ruthlessly bag on a politician who represents everything they need from their government. Maybe we really funny deserve better politicians if this is how the good ones are treated.

I mean, Mrs Clinton would have just bent over backwards helping out the middle classes and the poor, right? o_O
It never ceases to amaze me how people can ruthlessly bag on a politician who represents everything they need from their government. Maybe we really funny deserve better politicians if this is how the good ones are treated.

I mean, Mrs Clinton would have just bent over backwards helping out the middle classes and the poor, right? o_O
I'm not voting for Bernie on age alone if he runs again. There are plenty of young progressives.
I'm not voting for Bernie on age alone if he runs again. There are plenty of young progressives.

Bernie wont run again. He has hinted at it many times.

Also, he has said over and over and ove and over and over and over again that he just wanted to spark a movement and that this movement will need a leader.

His campaign was never meant to be anything more than a spark...a wake up call. In the first few months of it, he was portrayed by the media as the grumpy old kooky white guy with no chance in hell of winning anything but pair of clown shoes.

But what he was saying resonated with people. And within weeks his campaign exploded and he became a rockstar. His campaign became more succeesful than he ever dreamed. He said so over and over. All he meant to do is get some ideas smouldering in peoples minds and in the end he lit up an inferno.

Bernie was far more successful than he had dreamed possible. His job is done. He said so. The movement needs a leader...he said so over and over and over... and nobody seems to be listening.....
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Alright. Technically... but that still makes him a
Not to an actual leftist. In fact it is just a slap in the face. His whole campaign was aimed at white liberals who want free college and healthcare but loathe any mention of the actual struggle for racial equality going on. Play that tune to the backdrop of alt-right rallies with klan and nazi attendance and the sound is too loud for actual leftists to be heard by any.

Fuck Bernie Sanders. His inflatable movement is directly to blame for Trump's election.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can ruthlessly bag on a politician who represents everything they need from their government. Maybe we really funny deserve better politicians if this is how the good ones are treated.

I mean, Mrs Clinton would have just bent over backwards helping out the middle classes and the poor, right? o_O

How do you feel about Xiuhtezcatl Martinez? Not as a POTUS candidate (at least not soon), but in general. He's someone I hope to be able to support and vote for, for some office eventually. Impressive young man.

I'm having a tough time getting excited about anyone in the wings.
Not to an actual leftist. In fact it is just a slap in the face. His whole campaign was aimed at white liberals who want free college and healthcare but loathe any mention of the actual struggle for racial equality going on. Play that tune to the backdrop of alt-right rallies with klan and nazi attendance and the sound is too loud for actual leftists to be heard by any.

Fuck Bernie Sanders. His inflatable movement is directly to blame for Trump's election.

If thats how you think then you are part of the problem.

The only reason trump won was because the right didnt have anyone better to offer and clinton over estimated herself. That is all.
The only reason trump won was because the right didnt have anyone better to offer and clinton over estimated herself.
Delusional. Trump offered racism and bigotry and right-wing blowhards love him for it. Meanwhile Bernie-babies were screaming "give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump!".

You have clearly never actually gone out and seen what has been happening on the streets when they rally. What do you think racism is rare in US history?
Delusional. Trump offered racism and bigotry and right-wing blowhards love him for it. Meanwhile Bernie-babies were screaming "give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump!".

You have clearly never actually gone out and seen what has been happening on the streets when they rally. What do you think racism is rare in US history?
Ummm.... the election was clintons to lose. And she did exactly that... out of arrogance.
Yes some pouty Bernie supports refused to vote for her, but not enough to make a difference.

It was nobody's fault but her own...and you just sound like one of those pouties i just mentioned...
you just sound like one of those pouties i just mentioned...
I'm sure everyone sounds like a Clinton supporter to you when they don't agree with the crap you are saying. That is the result of your obsession with her. See, this is not a thread about her and yet again, a Trump supporting dimwit wants to make it into one.

Get over Clinton, she's irrelevant. She holds no office and is not running for any, thanks to the inflatable Bernie movement that enthusiastically threw the election.