Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him


Please tell me this is a (bad) joke/sarcasm?
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
@schuylaar your words care to explain this bigot shit ?

In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
Hate the GAME not the playa..its not my fault that your little pukeheads will never accomplish anything without a socially acceptable name.

LaFawnduh will never be the name of ANY CEO.
Tell me again how you would not hire a woman named Shakita Renee Harris just because of the name on the resume... or do you want me to show the quote ?
Like I said I do blame your up-bringing and your ex-hubby, but you have to answer for your own now

to be fair, in professional environments, ebonic names are FAAAR less likely to get employment over other names. at a nail salon it wouldn't be an issue, but in a law office it would be damn near impossible without a resume that far exceeds the other applicants. this is in part to a naturalized tribalism in professional environments. if i have 20 resumes on the desk, names are the first thing i will see. i dont care if lequisha diamonds is white or black, ill still hire a sarah danvers first if the applicants are equally qualified. however, if lequisha's resume is the most qualified, i will hire her/him.
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to be fair, in professional environments, ebonic names are FAAAR less likely to get employment over other names. at a nail salon it wouldn't be an issue, but in a law office it would be damn near impossible without a resume that far exceeds the other applicants. this is impart to a naturalized tribalism in professional environments. if i have 20 resumes on the desk, names are the first thing i will see. i dont care if lequisha diamonds is white or black, ill still hire a sarah danvers first if the applicants are equally qualified. however, if lequisha's resume is the most qualified, i will hire her/him.
no we talking Lequishas resume is going straight in trash based on name.
@schuylaar for shame shame shame.
no we talking Lequishas resume is going straight in trash based on name.
@schuylaar for shame shame shame.

yes, and as i said, in something like a law office that is exactly what would happen. without an extreme resume or having multiple highly respected people contacting a law office with recommendations, it simply wont happen. if i am a major law firm, i have standards i have to meet to keep competitive and make the money my law firm is worth. putting a lequisha on the front can hurt my business and my profit margins. that is professional tribalism. if i dont meet a certain standard, i will lose money.

EDIT: ebonic names aren't alone. i know a white kid named gravedigger. i can only think of two jobs that are going to hire him and fewer four year colleges.
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yes, and as i said, in something like a law office that is exactly what would happen. without an extreme resume or having multiple highly respected people contacting a law office with recommendations, it simply wont happen. if i am a major law firm, i have standards i have to meet to keep competitive and make the money my law firm is worth. putting a lequisha on the front can hurt my business and my profit margins. that is professional tribalism. if i dont meet a certain standard, i will lose money.
Hiring someone should be based on ability.
Not on the name.
Hiring someone should be based on ability.
Not on the name.

i disagree. if i owned for example, a store and i hired a clerk named fuckface von cocksucker, i would have to put their name on a name tag. problem is that its offensive to some people. even if thet person is super overqualified and willing to work for $5 an hour, i still wont hire him.

EDIT: the moral is that if you ruin your child's potential future with a stupid name, that's on you. if your child doesn't change it when they turn 18, its on them too.
it's funny, the way the intelligent left feels about Bernie is how the intelligent right felt about Ron Paul. a dream election for me would have happened in place of Obama's first run and it would have been between Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders.

Bernie is a smart guy, but i disagree with handouts. i am a capitalist and centralist. i lean slightly to the right simply because i am a capitalist at heart. if i provide a service, i should be able to charge based on supply/demand and make a living. i should be able to keep my cash and spend it based on how i see fit. taking my hard earned cash to provide higher education i may not need and medical i may not need simply hurts my savings account and makes it harder to live comfortably. sure, im potentially more intelligent. sure, if im working on someones computer and get a boo boo i can now afford to go to the hospital, but it is simply unnecessary imo.

also, what Bernie told you but you ignored, is that lower and lower middle class would have a massive tax increase while basically giving tax breaks to the middle and upper class. that is what his flat tax would have done. remember, tax currently scales with pay. less than 25k gross is tax free life. you still put cash into stuff like social security, but that is supposed to act like an investment you get back. it is not taxation.

i like Bernie, i love the fact that he actually loves the american people. i dont agree with his methods though. i will agree that he is a better option than the two retards who won the primaries.
The hole in your capitalist logic is that you can always go shopping for a car tomorrow, shop around for the best deal, wait for a promotion, check on other models. You're in charge.

Try doing that with acute appendicitis.

The capitalist model does not work for access to health care; even if Congress denies the idea, health care is a human right.

Your math on flat taxes is essentially correct- except that due to a thousand and one deductions, credits and set asides, wealthy people currently don't pay taxes anyway.

Poor and even middle class people cannot afford the necessary tax professionals to do the same- and it wouldn't do much good because wages are taxed at far higher rates than other forms of income. Income like stocks, real estate, business investments, that not coincidentally, most wealthy people use to generate their incomes, not wages.
Somehow I doubt it's that simple.

What Trump didn't do was coordinate with his party to screw anyone from challenging him for the nomination.

Hillary gladly accepted or herself rigged the Democratic primary.

I'm not a huge Trump fan. He is going to be the President. He will make America a real country again.
No, it's a direct quote. Look it up!
yes, and as i said, in something like a law office that is exactly what would happen. without an extreme resume or having multiple highly respected people contacting a law office with recommendations, it simply wont happen. if i am a major law firm, i have standards i have to meet to keep competitive and make the money my law firm is worth. putting a lequisha on the front can hurt my business and my profit margins. that is professional tribalism. if i dont meet a certain standard, i will lose money.

EDIT: ebonic names aren't alone. i know a white kid named gravedigger. i can only think of two jobs that are going to hire him and fewer four year colleges.
Thanks I can now include you in the category of the small minded. Please go on so I can see what other categories you qualify for
The hole in your capitalist logic is that you can always go shopping for a car tomorrow, shop around for the best deal, wait for a promotion, check on other models. You're in charge.

Try doing that with acute appendicitis.

The capitalist model does not work for access to health care; even if Congress denies the idea, health care is a human right.

Your math on flat taxes is essentially correct- except that due to a thousand and one deductions, credits and set asides, wealthy people currently don't pay taxes anyway.

Poor and even middle class people cannot afford the necessary tax professionals to do the same- and it wouldn't do much good because wages are taxed at far higher rates than other forms of income. Income like stocks, real estate, business investments, that not coincidentally, most wealthy people use to generate their incomes, not wages.

agreed, however as a capitalist, i have the right to buy insurance. it's not forced out of my wages. if im 23 and working as an IT, why would i need insurance when saving to get out of mom's house is more important to me at that moment?
i disagree. if i owned for example, a store and i hired a clerk named fuckface von cocksucker, i would have to put their name on a name tag. problem is that its offensive to some people. even if thet person is super overqualified and willing to work for $5 an hour, i still wont hire him.

EDIT: the moral is that if you ruin your child's potential future with a stupid name, that's on you. if your child doesn't change it when they turn 18, its on them too.

Not the brightest bulb, eh? "Fuckface von Cocksucker" equates to African names?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you haven't been exposed to many cultures and that you are (very) Caucasian.
yes, and as i said, in something like a law office that is exactly what would happen. without an extreme resume or having multiple highly respected people contacting a law office with recommendations, it simply wont happen. if i am a major law firm, i have standards i have to meet to keep competitive and make the money my law firm is worth. putting a lequisha on the front can hurt my business and my profit margins. that is professional tribalism. if i dont meet a certain standard, i will lose money.

EDIT: ebonic names aren't alone. i know a white kid named gravedigger. i can only think of two jobs that are going to hire him and fewer four year colleges.
I hate to say this but you're absolutely right about lawyers.

I've worked in more law offices than most of the members here will ever see, and they are some racist, classiest motherfuckers, and they ARE lawyers so it's really easy for them to spin a good yarn about why black lawyers don't get hired in most law firms. Worse, they like to pick and choose their token minorities, something like this; Asians are almost white so they're great, Indians are good because they hark back to British colonialism- but Native Americans are all but verboten.

I have been on the inside looking out of literally hundreds of law firms I've done contract work for, and I'm calling it like I saw it.

It's as fucked up as it can possibly be.
i disagree. if i owned for example, a store and i hired a clerk named fuckface von cocksucker, i would have to put their name on a name tag. problem is that its offensive to some people. even if thet person is super overqualified and willing to work for $5 an hour, i still wont hire him.

EDIT: the moral is that if you ruin your child's potential future with a stupid name, that's on you. if your child doesn't change it when they turn 18, its on them too.
Sad that you would put your prejudices about names on someone else.

It's on you.
Thanks I can now include you in the category of the small minded. Please go on so I can see what other categories you qualify for

you are the one who is closed minded.

you think everyone should be treated equal which in an ideal world would be great. i personally have no problems with it. however, i doubt you plan on naming your kid "potsmoker". you wont do this because A) it's stupid and B) you know you will ruin your child's potential future.

calling us closed minded for being realistic and logical is on you. it simply shows your ignorance.

Not the brightest bulb, eh? "Fuckface von Cocksucker" equates to African names?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you haven't been exposed to many cultures and that you are (very) Caucasian.

im 75%white 25%mexican/native american. i look 100% white though. EDIT: and i grew up in a ghetto mexican neighborhood. not a white one.

those are not african names. those are names used in a culture that exists with the intention of forcing tribalism. people give those names to their children as a way of marking them. just like the dad who named his child gravedigger. he marked his child because he is a fan of monster trucks.